Sex Differences in the Gut Microbiome Drive Hormone-Dependent Regulation of Autoimmunity

So its always been whats causing what or cause and effect. One argument would be no matter how you try to manipulate hormones or even AR expression or sensitivity, if certain microbes are gone or missing, hormonal or AR manipulation is not going to bring them back.
I’ve also shown gut microbes can affect numerous gene expressions (including AR) either directly or through metabolites such as scfas and even vitamins.

Sex Differences in the Gut
Microbiome Drive Hormone-Dependent
Regulation of Autoimmunity
Cliff notes.
Colonization by commensal microbes elevated serum
testosterone and protected NOD males from T1D. Transfer of gut microbiota from adult males
to immature females altered the recipient’s microbiota, resulting in elevated testosterone and
metabolomic changes, reduced islet inflammation and autoantibody production, and robust
T1D protection. These effects were dependent on androgen receptor activity. Thus, the commensal
microbial community alters sex hormone levels and regulates autoimmune disease fate in
individuals with high genetic risk.

Our data demonstrate that microbiome alterations in young,
commensally colonized mice conferred testosterone and metabolite changes sufficient to oppose
genetically programmed autoimmunity while preserving fertility.

“Early-life microbial exposures determine sex hormone levels”

So again to play this little game or possibility, (I am aware this can go in the other direction as well)
commensal microbes=androgen receptor activity.
The “crash” that some talk about could be a type of bacterial resistance or loss.

Based on a few recent posts, it seems what colonizes the small intestine is what could be more rapidly modifiable.
In this scenario, fecal stool tests and possibly even transplants wouldnt mean much. You’d be looking at whats going on a little higher up, around or past the junction of the small/large intestine.