Severe vs Mild cases

In the years I have been here, it seems that @LazarusRy has the worst, and longest lasting, case of PFS. Read through his discussion to read what hell is like.

Not to minimize the pain of others. There may indeed be worse cases. Jim


The most severe cases (imo) are those with anhedonia. Had this for a few months and canā€™t imagine to live a life long with this.

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I agree. Iā€™m totally done after 10 months.

I have anhedonia. Itā€™s terrible. How bad is yours? Can you laugh? Enjoy movies?

No I donā€™t have this anymore, luckily. Had this for a few months and it was horrible, couldnā€™t enjoy anything and had suicidal thoughts. It went away almost completely. When I am feeling a lot of stress itā€™s coming back but not as bad as before by far.

I can enjoy and still laugh.

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How long did it last? Personal but how is your life now, career wise etc? thanks.

It lasted like 2-3 months I think. I am doing very well now, I got a promotion, girlfriend and mentally I am more stable. But I am still fighting side effects of this disease.

How long did you have it for? I have had bad anhedonia for many months now and am starting to worry Iā€™m stuck like this. I crashed 7 months ago.

A lot of the mental stuff starts clearing up around the year mark. Thatā€™s what more or less happened with me a decade or so ago before I crashe again now.

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