Severe muscle atrophy, impotence(Repeated use fin)

My gums recede and bleed, it’s been 2 months and it’s still going on, my teeth are getting bigger and bigger, it’s the same with my muscles, my muscles, gums, constant waste and pain, they don’t grow back, they just damage more, this is a terrible symptom, deterioration of the whole body’s muscle tissue, I don’t know how long my body can last, if one day I disappear in the forum, I don’t think I’ve recovered

I read that androgen deficiency can also lead to muscle atrophy and fat increase, but my several androgen blood tests are normal, I believe there is a problem with my androgen gene expression

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Have you had muscle loss? Did she stop? did it take long for this to happen?

I have passed a nightmare and certainly it is far from over… Apparently PFS affects your brain and body and both are inter connected. I have read almost everything that is published and apparently it blocks your GABA A receptors, alter the dopamine system and someway block our capacity to eliminate cortisol. I can send you the references to the articles if you are interested.

I think part of the evolution that people have is also based on the fact that we begin accepting the problem and thinking long term . You know I have passed by here before…

Try breathing techniques and don’t panic. If you panic your body will keep deteriorating. I know it is difficult try not to panic when your neurosteroids are KO by this drug, but there is not other way …

9 months seems a life but it is not too much for PFS. So keep the faith. If you accept the situation and keep your mind on the long run you will feel better and your body will improve.

I remember many nights were I just stopped with horrible symptoms when I controlled mind with breathing techniques.

I know it is easier said than done, but there is hope… Take care

Any possible relation with long COVID? I suspect that having PFS makes you more prone to suffer more seriously COVID… As body is exhausted, and brain is someway damaged…

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I have been regarded as an optimistic person since I was a child. As early as two years ago, I felt that my body was tired for unknown reasons and my limbs became thinner. Even though my gums were bleeding, I thought it was just the way I brushed my teeth. It was not until last year when I took the last medication that I found serious changes in my body. I didn’t know the reason why my body became weaker and weaker in the past two years. Each dose worsened my baseline

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Thank you for sharing Lck… Keep optimistic… We have all passed and are passing by similar experiences. This is why I find this web page so important. You can see you are not the only one. I can really see and feel what you are suffering because I have passed by there…

Just think that things will be better in the future and try to think positive, pass time with your love one ones, walk and take sun (vitamin D is very important), be grateful with those you love… It is a way of feeling better and trick your brain to generate more dopamine and GABA instead of cortisol… Our neurosteroids system is damaged so we need to trick our brain to be positive in order to avoid cortisol… Avoid stress and every negative thought…

That won´t make miracles but will make things better… Think on the long run instead of on this present moment…

You say that your symtoms are the worst and this is not true… Many of us have passed and we are still passing a nightmare… We are just sharing experiences to cope with symtoms… Be strong…

A huge percentage of PFS sufferers has muscle lost…I lost 70% of my muscles and now I am much better… maybe at 50-60% in muscle mass that I was…

Eat healthy, give proteins, fiver and vitamins to your body and walk or make any sport that your body let you…

I think that being positive is the most important thing for the reasons explained here under… PFS block the pass of T to DHT and progesterone to DHP and with that neurosteroids formation. and with that all the neurological and physical consequences…

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You don’t understand, maybe you think that the lost muscle is the kind of muscle that you work out in the gym, that you can stop at a certain point in time and slowly recover, whereas for the few of us who keep deteriorating, what we lose is the whole body’s muscle tissue, including the gums, the face, the palms that are not the kind of muscle that you work out in the gym, that I don’t need to recover, I’d be happy just to stop being half dead. You don’t understand why we’re so desperate. I’ve been shrinking for over a year almost two years, and I only learned about this Pfs last year before I stopped taking it

Exercise is paralyzing to us, and our usual activities of life can cause pain in our fading muscles, like ALS or muscular dystrophy mutations. I try to lift a dumbbell, and the muscles just ache and tear, instead of the swelling they used to feel after exercise


I related to all your symptoms, my gums are gone too…

good posts. easier said than done with shrunken penis but we try

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Every day it gets worse, the limbs get thinner

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This is the blood from my gum tissue when I was brushing my teeth this morning. My body has been rotting. I want to die


That doesn’t look good at all. Holy fuck. I have increased plaque after PFS but I can keep the bleeding in check with a good daily mouth hygiene.

Are you using some kind of gap cleaning (thread/pick) and also a brush with super-soft bristles?

I was already using a super soft toothbrush, but it didn’t help, even if I didn’t brush my teeth, my gums would suddenly bleed, I had problems with swollen lymph nodes, my body was getting worse and worse, my limbs were shrinking, and other people thought that I was seriously ill, that time wouldn’t heal me, that I was going to die from this medicine

bro im related to all that shit, my limbs are gone like in the sides.

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I had an emotional breakdown tonight. The muscles in my body were deteriorating, the muscle pain and weakness were eating away at me, the bones were becoming more and more obvious, I was going to be paralysed in no time, the muscles had been atrophy for a year, the constant fear was making me mentally ill, no doctor could help me, they would just say you were insane


I really hoped I was past the worst of the emotional part, but I’ve especially felt like dying the last few nights. I’m just saying that to say that I’m with you. I feel awful too. I do intend to keep going. My logic is going to keep death from happening. But, I’m suffering with you, and I hope that time brings some kind of healing for all of us.


Recently I read about the genetic diseases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy. My symptoms are similar to those of the two diseases, with gradual muscle atrophy in my limbs and hypertrophy in my calves. I don’t know whether it is poison that makes me have genetic problems. The fat in my chest, abdomen and calves is increasing. I plan to go to the hospital again in two days for examination. Fat accumulation occurs in these areas,I think there is a problem with my androgen, which makes my muscles atrophy and increases the fat in these parts, resulting in little difference in my weight