Severe crash in severe agony

Time won’t fix the situation. With time I only seen worsening.
I can live with this pain, but I can’t live with my brain damage. I already know that brain damage is permanent, for me.
Is not brainfog, is a real damage. I can’t remember how old i am, or my parents, my face, my hair look, how I’m dressed. My brain can’t process the pictures that see.
I have coordination problems, i can’t move my inches like I want. I have to use other fingers to write on smartphone.

My T level was on low side, but when i tried to rise it up, I crashed.
I think that, in my situation, low T is better than high T. My body refuse T and crash badly.

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I think that me, @Papasmurf, Douglasmich, Demon, Konflict are the worse cases of this syndrome.
You don’t have idea how are you lucky.
Enjoy your lives. Life is good, even without sex, trust me.

from what i’ve seen and read theses neuro-side effects will soften with time , you need to keep the faith , patience is the best virtue for us


I can’t. My family doesen’t believe me and think I’m just depressed. I’have not money and I can’t rent an house. My government doesen’t help me, because doctors told I’m just depressed

Your family will comprehend , just give them time and i’m sure you’ll fix your financial situation , you have to keep in mind that a solution will always exist , patience and faith are the keys @Rb26dett

Amico mio sono italiano come te… Io ti capisco… Soffro molto fortunatamente tante cose sono migliorate ma i dolori al nervo pudendo è molto brutto. Se non avessi quello potrei dire di stare al 80%di me stesso purtroppo così non è… E si soffre… Per fare sesso devo andare di cialis fortunatamente anche il dosaggio minimo funziona. E un anno e un mese… Che soffro… Spero che melcangi trovi la chiave per alleviare le nostre pene. Però non mollare mi raccomando io sono padre ed ho 36 anni tu sei ancora molto giovane perciò tieni duro. Qualsiasi cosa scrivimi un messaggio pm.

Time won’t fix the situation.

There is always hope. I was in an extremely bad place 2 months ago. I got hit with almost every single side, and my body was getting worse every single day.
Today, I am seeing consistent recovery every single day.

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Did you do anything to heal or was it just a matter of healing naturally?

I did nothing.

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@Rb26dett please don’t assume from my message I’m ok. I was trying to be positive for Papasmurf. Time and faith is all some of us have left me included. I’ve had PFS 20 years. I don’t know how I’m still here. My suffering is off the scale and never abates. I continue to deteriate and have every symptom in the book and more. Every day feels like it could be my last, I often want it to be as it feels like the only thing that can stop the hell… I’ve lost everything and I am destroyed. I prey to God every night for his help and intervention…Please note this is not a competition but I feel a had to get my point across.

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@Rb26dett I’m very sorry about your suffering.

I think it should also be noted that my libido has increased, deep sleep, male pattern baldness itch, excessive hair loss but my entire connective tissue has disintegrated, muscle loss, chronic fatigue increased, brain fog, anxiety, collagen loss from face, dryness, feet also feel like they have lost more of the cushion and atrophied. I cannot explain this other than sodium butyrate increasing Testosterone through some unknown mechanism or and I speak with caution and pure speculation may have upregulated receptors in certain tissues again.

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Same here. I think tribulus act like butirrate, because my symptoms start to worse after it, on June 2019.
In november 2019, my endo gave me low dose TRT gel and my connettive tissues totally broke

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Did your hair loss and libido increase?

Yes. My hair loss is crazy, man! I hasn’t alopecia, but in 9 month, I lost 1 inch of hair.
My libido is better, but my erection and sensibility worsened

Same. I feel like the hair loss is partly due to receptors that are still working but when the majority of receptors are downregulated and overexpressed this can worsen an individual by causing further desensitization. When my Testosterone was below the national average 8nml I functioned better and still felt androgenic whatever is happening our bodies are able to quickly adapt and respond in a negative way towards increased androgens. It would seem that we are dealing with extreme downregulation in site specific tissues

Do some labs to see if theres anything wrong going on. sounds like death estrogen. Hair lose is also low estrogen hyper/hypo thyroid.

I don’t think our problem can be diagnosed by labs.
This seems like a receptor issue and not a hormonal issue.

There were a few people who only got desensitized on their scalp, so their only symptom is no hair loss. These guys are so lucky.

Complete sexual dysfunction
More atrophy of penile tissue
Atrophy of muscles all over
Severe pain in following areas:
I’m unable to walk without the use of knee straps and a back brace.

Mental symptoms:
Severe Depression