Severe crash and deterioration, help me find the cause.

Hey PH, I’ve been a victim of PSSD for the past 2.5 years now, check my story for more details. I haven’t been on any iatrogenic injury forums for about a year now because I more or less completely recovered after a year and a half. Life has been good until recently, but just last month I suffered a terrible resurgence and subsequent deterioration of all my original PSSD symptoms + more.

These would be:

-Extreme fatigue
-Extreme anhedonia and emotional numbness
-Insane diarrhea
-Further muscle wastage
-Loss of body odor yet again
-Joint pain in arms and chest has worsened
-Complete loss of personality
-Severe insomnia
-Severe memory loss
-Even more weight loss
-Complete impotence

This crash started at around mid-December when I was stressing quite bad and had started working out again. Could that be the cause? I haven’t taken anything since the onset of my PSSD in regards to pharmaceuticals or supplements. Either way, I think it’s over for me, I don’t see how I get out of this.

antes desse segundo acidente, você teve perda muscular ou só começou agora depois dessa piora que aconteceu novamente?

During my initial crash from Zoloft I had wastage in my arms, neck, chest and back that stabilized a couple months in. This further wastage has only come back in the same areas, my legs aren’t nearly as effected.

Stress itself can crash you. Also are you sure you didn’t accidentally ingest something? An energy drink etc…

You will heal some in time I had a mega crash like this aswell and thought I was done. Hang in there

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Yeah brother since the end of 2022 I haven’t consumed caffeine, alcohol, weed, pretty much anything psychoactive. It’s weird as hell and I’m just holding on.

Are you talking about your butyrate crash? What seemingly benign stuff can do to us is inhumane, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

There is no one I would ever wish this on. Give yourself time to heal man. You healed before. As stated stress can crash. Im fairly certain Stress crashed me bad back in April after a break up. Hang in there


I’m at 2.5 years and still have crashes like this that can last up to a couple of days. Just try and wait it out, hopefully you’ll go back to baseline soon. You mention working out, I know you said no supplements. I just want to make sure, you didn’t start taking creatine did you?

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