Seminar on PFS in Trieste, Italy

Here is the announcement of a seminar on PFS, which will take place in Trieste, Italy. Of course, 40 organized it behind the scenes.


Where: Aula Magna dell’Ospedale di Cattinara (Trieste, Italy)
When: September 16th

Prof. Carlo Trombetta announces a seminar on Post-Finasteride Syndrome on September 16th in Trieste.

Prof. Michael S. Irwig of George Washington University will participate and present the first study on persistent sexual effects on young males who were prescribed finasteride for hair loss.

The urology clinic of Trieste, in collaboration with the Department of biological sciences of University of Udine and with the Pharmacology Center of Aviano, has started a complex research project in order to shed light on the Post-Finasteride Syndrome.

Finasteride is a popular drug used to fight hair loss in young males and to treat urinary disturbs in patients affected by hypertrophic prostititis. This molecule blocks an enzyme, 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone into its active form, dihydrotestosterone.

Scientific literature reports that the assumption of this drug can determine, in 5%-6% of the cases, reversible sexual side effects, such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems. In some patients, these sides persist even after suspending the treatment. Some of these people may even experience a worsening of their situation and some other experience other symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and modification of the secondary sexual characteristics. This determines a drop of these men’s quality of life.

This clinic profile has been described by many researchers as “Post-Finasteride Syndrome”. As of today, the etiopathogenic mechanism is unknown, although all symptoms seem to be linked to a deficit in androgen levels.

The purpose of this meeting is to spread awareness and knowledge within the medical community about this problem. Preliminary results achieved will also be presented. Finally, it can be a moment to exchange ideas and provide the basis of future collaboration among different researchers.

This is awesome. By this time, the molecular study results will be out as well.

Thanks for sharing this m_81. Amazing work Awor, and 40.

Read 40’s member story, his lobbying must have been absolutely essential in paving the way for the PFS molecular study.

40 made an awesome work and he’s spreading awarness in italy as best as he can.

these r awarness fruits

i myself tring to help a bit, posting more as i can on PFS on hairlossforum in italy.
(expecially on the one that banned 40) :slight_smile:

i’m always questioning myself about why in other european countries
PFS is barely unknown
i’m talking for germany france spain etc …
i didn’t found anything on web

For those of us who don’t understand how these things typically work, is the conference being “marketed” at all to other research institutions?

For example, do people we can really use, like Chang of U of R know about it? I’m sure there are many others but he comes to mind.


ah! SEPT 16, it all makes sense now :smiley:

Does anyone know if the conference is likely to be recorded for eventual online broadcasting or if a transcript will at least be made available?


I strongly suggest that everyone who is pacient suffering from PFS (“Post-finasteride-syndrome”) and lives in Italy or in one of countries not far from Italy (i.e. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia,Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Germany) must notice (in written and most serious form) his doctor (urologhyst/endocrinologhyst) about medical seminar on PFS-subject, and print out that notification along with their letter adressed to doctor(s) in order to ask them to visit (or at least to inform about) seminar and, eventually, get information about results of it and discussed therapeutic options to treat PFS.

Please, take that seriously, print out the paper/schledule and send it to your specialist-doctor (if you live near Italy). Medical comunnity must became aware of this new medical relevant condition, new patology called "Post-finasteride-syndrome".

Laters, Desperado.

Any members on Italy planning on attending? I feel that having a PFS person their could really humanize the situation…

Would like to but it’s a bit short notice for me to arrange to get away. I think alot of us would go next time if we are needed for press conference, labs, or w/e. I guess I’ll wait to hear from the organizers to see when we’d be needed. Personally, just to put names with faces and having some tactile evidence of this project would do wonders.

I wonder how this went today…!?

Me too. Mew or anyone know when we can expect a briefing on the procedings today? Will there be any video or press releases? Would be interested in all details, of course.

i sent a pm to a member that probably was at seminar.

Awor will provide an update once he has news.

The seminar has been taken

For now no new achievements

there were present political authorities and also dermatologists that tried to
defend finasteride

Since now we are still waiting studies results

that what i heard

what do you mean with no new achievements? they haven’t found anything?

I heard the study results were inconclusive.

who told u this?

i heard only that it’s too early for the results