Semen "velocity"

I have read several posts about semen volume and texture, but didn’t see any relating to what I would call “velocity”.

I am referring to the speed at which the semen is expelled from the body. The power generated by the orgasm would generally expell semen several feet from the body. Since I am affected by PFS, although my orgasms are back to normal, semen barely has the power to get out, and will basically sit on the top of my penis.

Volume is lower than before, but texture seems ok. But in my mind, velocity is definately a sign of PFS and it will always remind me I’m affected. I will know I am closer to being healed when this particular symptom is gone.

Note that I consider myself somewhere between 50-80% cured, 2.5 years after stopping medication.

Anybody else affected like this?

good observation. I think almost everybody with PFS have this symtom.

I have this side effect.

Sometimes get better and the semem jump far with high speed, but also the libido and erection very good.

For me, everything antiestrogen have a good effect.

Tried this and observe for 3 weeks if you get better.

The key is to take antientrogen everyday.

Start doing this: Every day, morning or night, take a cup of hot water with 1 or 2 lemon green no sugar.
take red raisin with the seed every day.
hot red apples
passion fruit also has good effect.
no caffeine or alcohol

how is you digestion, did you have normal stools:

Hi backfromhell,

Thanks for the info about the anti androgen. It’s worth a try I guess. Although my experience yet make me believe that any “feel decent” or pitfalls are pretty unpredictable and random. I haven’t change much of my habits and routine and seemed to fall into a crash … or at least a mini crash. Libido is at a 12 month low (last 3 weeks). Same for ED.

As for stools, never noticed any difference, PFS or not.

One other thing comes to my mind about alcohol. Although I am a huge wine enthusiast, I’m not a very heavy drinker. Typically, I will have about 2 bottles of wine a week. But anyways, I noticed that when my symptoms are worse (ED, libido), I have much less interest in wine and alcohol in general. I will drink when around friends (socially) but without really enjoying it.

I recall seing a study that said that finasteride helped people with alcohol problems… I don’t have an alcohol problem, but can totally understand where this is coming from. Kind of weird… seems like PFS actually sucks any bit of life enjoyment.

I’ve noticed a funny thing regarding alcohol and libido. My libido always seems to be HIGHER when hung-over instead of lower like I think it probably should be? It’s almost like I’m cured every time I’m hung over… except that I feel shitty otherwise. But yeah, I have this same problem with shooting loads, semen just drips off my wiener and makes orgasm not as enjoyable as it was before. My orgasms are really non-existent anyways nowadays, not much feeling. Even abstinence doesn’t help with this problem, in fact I’ve noticed that if I abstain from sex for long periods it only makes it even more unenjoyable and lowers my libido even further.

ghg, I have the same thing. If I’m hungover my libido is crazy. It’s like being normal but without the normal sensitivity.

Great post. First of all, alcohol is the only way I can tolerate PFS. I definitely consume more than I should at this point, but it hasn’t really negatively affected my life, so I just basically use it as a tool to get through PFS. Every symptom is better if I drink the night before. If I don’t, I sleep terribly and am disabled by fatigue the next day. But my skin looks better and I look healther? lol

In terms of orgasm… this is a symptom that has been interesting. Erections are back to normal, consistency has improved (not 100% but a lot), libido is pretty consistent, but my orgasms are long and slow and less satisfying than before. I’ve had sexual partners comment and say “You have really long orgasms for a guy.” It’s true.

In terms with it shooting far, that has improved over time. Also, rotating things like maca, tongkat ali, and fenugreek drastically improves that. But the orgasms are still longer and less satisfying. Those herbs bring back a little bit more satisfaction.

Once again I got huge morning wood after a night of drinking, I was rock hard. Sensitivity isn’t very good but at least I was hard. This is the strangest thing about my pfs symptoms, this drinking and feeling better thing…