Selegiline improved libido

As I’ve posted in the member stories forum my hormones are in or above range - so no low T or high E. Still I wouldn’t have any libido.

I am now on day 6 of taking 5mg Selegiline and for the first time in months feel the actual desire to get off. We’ll see how that evolves the next days and weeks - has anyone here made experiences with it before?

Took my first dose today, using it more for mental sides rather than libido. Haven’t noticed anything yet.

Sublingual is supposedly the most effective form of administration.

Yes, sublingual in liquid form is the best - I am currently using tablets sublingually but they taste horribly. Oh well, the things I’m willing to try lol

I haven’t noticed much the first few days and to be honest my libido didn’t shoot through the roof today either, but it’s a definite increase that I cannot attribute to anything else.

5mg a day is actually supposed to be a heavy dose, from the reports I’ve read most people find it overstimulating. Says a lot about the state of our neurotransmitters if it’s barely noticeable.

Any updates on this?