Seeking feedback on potential low carb / anti-inflammatory / food separation approaches

Having had some success and issues with keto, I am trying to put together a more suitable approach based on low carb intake and only eating complex carbs among starches, which will hopefully provide some of the benefits of keto without so many of the drawbacks.

My thinking is to go down the anti-inflammatory route (inflammation seems to be a huge issue for me, certainly my bowel movements when I eat the wrong thing point to gut inflammation). I was initially thinking to combine that with avoiding 5ari foods, yet lists of anti-inflammatory foods and lists of 5ari foods have so many commonalities, I think it is best to focus on one.

So I think I will try anti-inflammatory, as well as carb/protein separation to try to give my gut the easiest ride possible, and I am thinking of approaching this one of two ways. I would be keen for feedback or thoughts on this (either supporting one or the other, or debunking both).

Plan 1:
Eat complex carbs and protein based meals interchangeably, so day one would be protein breakfast (e.g. omelette with veg) / carb lunch (e.g. baked potato with salad) / protein dinner (e.g. steamed fish and veg), and day 2 would be carb breakfast (e.g. gluten free oats with banana) / protein lunch (e.g. smoked fish and salad) / carb dinner (e.g. roasted sweet potato and vegetables).

The idea here being that I would be getting my fuel from carbs, but hopefully by avoiding too many high sugar fruits / veggies and only eating complex carbs, I should be able to control the blood sugar spikes, which keto taught me seem to be key to my focus and concentration issues.

Plan 2:
Only eat complex carbs for dinner, and have protein breakfast and lunch. This would mean eating sufficient carbs at dinner to fuel me until the following day (is this realistic?), while keeping whatever blood sugar spikes that still come with complex carb-based meals to the end of the day, and hopefully not experiencing them during the day when I really do need to be able to focus and concentrate.

For those dietary experts out there, does this sound reasonable? I have tried to find information on low carb forums, but found nothing particularly enlightening.

I am currently on day one of a two day fast, prior to launching my new diet. All feedback welcome.