seeking endocrinologist in DC

I am looking for a recommended doctor in the area if anyone has any positive experiences.
I am also open to traveling to New York or anywhere else on the east coast for a top Endo that would take my issues seriously. I just posted my story you can read.

I think going to an endo who would give me a blank look and say stress causes all this is just a stressful experience.

Thoughts appreciated. There must be some doctors that this community recommends and has had experienced with…


Try Dr. Michael Irwig, he’s an andrologist at George Washington University.

There’s also Dr. Alan Jacobs in New York, a neuroendocrinologist.

Thanks, indeed Irwig sounds like a good choice, he seems to sympathize with us, I just found out about him.

Just keep in mind than no doctor knows anything about pfs and they certainly do not know any treatment to the problem itself.