Scrotum shrinkage..close to give up on my life

I posted this post around 8 months ago and my situation has gotten worse. Much worse…I’m off this drug for almost a year and my scrotum is still shrinking very rapidly. Actually I’ve got no skin left , my scrotum is so tight at all times to the point where my skin there is so stretched , it causes some huge pain all over the skin of my scrotum , it’s very red and itchy. I mean, it’s very very tight when it’s in its “loose” mode, but when it’s cold or I have a high adrenaline, it gets so much tighter I simply can’t move.
I became half disabled, I’m trying to sleep all day because I simply can’t walk anymore. Every little touch of my scrotum with my thigh or with my underwear it’s the same feeling as a needle sting. It’s just a huge pain, huge. I don’t have the words to explain how bad it hurts.

There is no hope, everyday is worse than the day before, I can’t remember myself without this pain anymore, I got a prescription for a medical marijuana which helps a little with the stinging feeling in my scrotum but the scrotum continues to shrink and it will get to the point where my testicle will simply tear the skin apart and that’s it, my life will be over for good.
The skin right now is so thin, like any little pinch can tear it , it’s like a plastic bag, no feeling there whatsoever. It feels dead. Simply dead. And it continues to die every minute.

Please anyone can give me any idea what to do to stop this process? All the urologists in Israel look at me like I’m some kind of an alien because they have never seen this problem before. I’ve been to each and every urologist out there in my country. Where is the hope? what else can I do? Is there a doctor in this whole world who can do something to help me?

If nothing changes in the next few months I’ll be the next person who ends his life thanks to the poison named propecia.
Please guys help me I’m in the end of the road for me


I saw some pics of shemales because I heard that they get some drugs with a similiar effect as propecia and I see they have the same problem as me. They all have no scrotum skin left. It’s exactly the problem I’m having but I’m off of this drug for almost a year, how come this only gets worse and worse?
Please guys I’ll give everything to stop this my life are over if this thing doesn’t get stabilized I’m not even talking about it getting any better, I only want to stop the process. HOW??

I’ve done all the bloodtests and my T is very good, DHT can’t be checked in my country but all the other hormones are also within the range. This is the biggest problem that everything seems ok in terms of bloodtests but in reality it’s not even close to being ok .

My skin is also very thin like a paper and when I touch it , I feel like it is burning. I am sure you have the same burning feeling. I am using Vitamin D3+ vitmain B1 and it looks to have slowed down.
please take it. I wish I could give my life, if I knew any of us could get well for my life.

do you also have a feeling like the inside of the scrotum is very warm ? like the temperature inside is way higher than it should be
it’s a dead end for me…im thinking on how to spread the word to the whole world before i go to avoid other ppl from getting into this nightmare…at least i’ll feel good before i go

Worried, are you taking any drugs or supplements right now?

Are you taking cialis daily? Might be worthwhile trying that. I know its made to get blood to your penis but getting some blood circulated round that part of your body might help…

It is very thin. It is very obvious. I don’t know if it is warm but hair on it is very fine and thin now, no more thick. When I touch it, it hurts. before SP when I used to scratch I would feel sweet pain, now feel like rubbing burned skin.

I dont take any medication because i fear to make my situation worse and i dont really know what to take…isnt cialis made for making the dick hard? have any one experienced good results with that with scrotal shrinkage?

I would agree with lifewasgood. Cialis should help you.
It does not cause erections, but it is designed to help with bloodflow and ability to acheive an erection.

Talk to your doctor and ask if he/she can prescribe Cialis for you. If not, you could always purchase an online prescription.

A 10mg dose once or twice per week should be suffcient to start off with.
Keep us updated.

cialis helped with shrinkage for me (not perfect, but it definitely helps).

I don’t get it…it helps with shrinkage of the penis or with the balls sack? my problem is with my balls sack which has reduced in size about x6 than what it was a year ago

What about your testicles? Have they shrunk as well?

according to an ultrasound test i’ve done a few days ago the balls are the same size they were pre-fin …this is also a major problem because the balls are still big but there isn’t enough skin, not enough room for the balls which makes it so painful…the skin of the scrotum has to be stretched so much to carry the balls…that’s why my scrotum looks so sore and red , it’s very close to tear apart

it seemed to help with both for me. again, not 100% but an improvement.

okay listen to me right now. it sounds like you’ve reached the point where you are willing to try anything, so don’t be fucking stupid and listen to other people on the forum who are just as bad as you and say nutrition doesnt mean anything.

first of all, change your diet 110% to only organic based VEGETABLES and WILD FISH ONLY. as in, no carbs at all. at least for a few months. go through IHP’s thread and do what he did. attack this like it’s some kind of infection and take all anti bacterial type stuff. without a doubt kill gluten completely and other shit that has an expiration date on it.

second, don’t you dare even touch your penis and masturbate AT ALL. this is a BIG ONE. this is probably indirectly causing you pain down there.

third, start doing SITZ BATHS. sitz baths are basically you sit in hot water for 2 mintues, then ice cold water for 30 seconds. look it up, i don’;t know the exact times, but don’t overdue the cold water as it can cause damage or something. do this as much as you can. as in like hours per day. this rushes blood to and away from the penis area and starts the healing process.

fourth, you need to start listening to your body on what you CAN TAKE and what you CANT TAKE. everyoen is different. so when you eat smoething, see how you feel afterwards. if you have no ill effects, then you know it’s good, if you feel shitty and tired and brain foggy, then you know it’s bad.

go get an IgG food anti body test and see what your food sensitivities are. you can get this done at a naturepath. it tells you your body immune response to certain foods and i guarun fucking damn tee you have some because everyone has some and you are probably eating it.

go to and start tracking your nutrition you are taking in ad make sure you get food sources of everything essential. carbs i wouldnt worry about unless you can handle them. when you cut carbs out, you may start feeling way better.

there’s a few other things that i could add here, but they are more “experimental” imo and i don’t think it’s safe for you to try at this point because you are in bad shape, but these are the safest and will make a difference in your condition.

this shit takes MONTHS/YEARS to fix this way, guess what… you might as well start doing something constructive instead of progressively getting worse.

Jesus. How can 86,000 Merck employees go to work each day knowing they’re part of Kenneth “Dr. Mengele” Frazier’s regime – a regime that’s killing men the world over with its Propecia “medication”?

Someone needs to slap the $#@! out of that Philly boy.

Well if your testicles haven’t shrank and its just the scrotum your alrdy better off than some of us. Try taking prazosin to loosen the skin down there.

alpha blockers block catecholamines which are produced in excess during masturbation. worried, quit all ejaculation completely before you take this route, you really don’t want any more chemicals in your body during this healing process when you are in this bad of shape.

im not better off by that actually i wish i had my testicles shrank because there is not enough space in the scrotum to carry my balls. every move i make they both squeeze so much to the point where i can’t breath…
about prazosin…how does it work? the problem with my scrotum is that there just isn’t enough skin even when it’s in its “loose” mode… when it’s in its tight mode it’s just a nightmare, my scrotum pushes the balls into my body because the lack of space (lack of skin).

would it be smart to start taking propecia again? ever since i quit using the drug my situation became 1000X times worse in terms of pain in the scrotum…it wasn’t as bad as it is now… many months after i stopped using the drug, it should have gotten a little better by now shouldn’t it?

(btw im trying cialis for the last 2 weeks…it only helps with getting my dick hard faster but this isn’t really what i was after. my problem is only with the scrotum skin which is 99% dead)