scientists synthesize enzymes

Scientists are beginning to learn how to synthesize enzymes. This could open a new world for us:

It might be the only thing that works for us. Honestly… We have all the symptoms of LOW/No T. Even with high levels. The only thing that hasn’t been tried it enzyme replacement. It makes sense.

I believe the enzymes is the root of the problem.

can someone explain why enzymes might be the answer

I believe the enzymes are responsible for hormone metabolism. So you could have a good level of Test in your blood but if it cant get into the cells… Your going to feel like a Low T guy even with high T.

Yeah suprised this thread did not get more attention. Seems like these studies that guys are recently posting are pointing toward enzyme replacement therapy as something that needs investigating.

It’s being investigated, hence the article. But there’s decades of research between ‘beginning to learn’ and having an effective treatment accessible to those that need it. It’s like those cancer and dementia breakthroughs, they’re interesting but doesn’t really offer anything significant to those in need right now.

Given enough time science will cure anything. Even PFS. But whats matter for us is a tangible objective within the next few years so we can reclaim at least part of our life. A treatment for PFS won’t really mean much to me if I’m older than 50 when it arrives.

Yeah agreed about waiting till we are 50 is no good. I’ll turn 40 in five years, and only thing that keeps me going right now is the hope that our collection of brains working together could be the first case in history of people so actively researching together to heal themselves. The foundation is amazing, and we need any of these three studies to provide some sort of lead, but they operate much slower than most of us need. Each day for me is a struggle and how some of you have led lives like this for years is beyond me.

Anybody actually targeting bioengineering companies to see if they want to get into the PFS arena? Any company that solves this could be looking at a billion dollars of sales for us alone as future and current sufferers start to emerge in the hundreds of thousands. And breakthroughs with this will only lead toward treatment of other conditions that arise from drug induced alterations in the body. Anyone here even work at a bioengineering company? Not even sure how they choose which fields of medicine to explore. Would love some insight