Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens) are there studies related to PFS?

My question is …are there studies reporting that saw Palmetto could cause PFS?

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No, but it Saw Palmetto and Dutasteride cause PFS too. They target the same group of enzymes after all.
We have like 150 users who only took Saw Palmetto like in your case. You are not alone.

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I can vouch for a story within my family. A second cousin of mine, older, was taking it for hair loss abs I remember him saying to me and others he had stopped because it was effecting “other things”.
He said in like a dry comedy kinda way.

That’s all I recall from that but yea. He took it and stopped for I imagine the sane reasons as us

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Why nobody is interested to conduct a research to us? It is as dangerous as Finasteride


I mean being that it acts the same then the research on fin goes for saw palmetto too


I hope so.

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There is no monetary incentive. That’s how the world works unfortunately.

Why isn’t there more research about fin’s side effects in the first place? Well, basically same answer.
I think it’s a shame, nobody knows what’s the mechanism behind PFS nor has anyone actually recorded this process academically, and it’s not like it’s something irrelevant for the scientific community, i’m not a scientist myself, but I admit that at this point i’m also very curious to see why the body would react this way after inhibiting androgens for a while (is it a bug in our genetic code? is it a signal for the body to start the ageing process? is it the warth of God? I guess we will never know).

That’s an interesting thought. It’s like an anomaly of evolution. How did we get to a point where self consciousness meets a physical trait that we find unpleasant and distressing meets the ‘intelligence’ to combat the trait. Why would a body even capable of such a failure state as PFS evolve alongside all that. What kind of stupid fucked up species is this.