Saw palmetto is ruining my life

Helloo out there. I would like to start by saying that don’t ever go to gnc health stores and purchase prostate formula with saw palmetto. I took it for 5 days and in those 5 days i became impotent, lost my sex drive, lost muscle mass, became depressed and feel like my body shut down. I have been off the stuff for two weeks and no improvement has been made, in fact my symptoms have only gotten worse. Has anyone else ever got this from saw palmetto? I dunno what to do anymore, I feel like I ruined my hormones and that what ever damage I did is not repairable. I’m scared and think I may have fucked over the next few years of my life. Someone please help


Helloo out there. I would like to start by saying that don’t ever go to gnc health stores and purchase prostate formula with saw palmetto. I took it for 5 days and in those 5 days i became impotent, lost my sex drive, lost muscle mass, became depressed and feel like my body shut down. I have been off the stuff for two weeks and no improvement has been made, in fact my symptoms have only gotten worse. Has anyone else ever got this from saw palmetto? I dunno what to do anymore, I feel like I ruined my hormones and that what ever damage I did is not repairable. I’m scared and think I may have fucked over the next few years of my life. Someone please help[/quote

I guess there are million of people affected by saw palmetto all over the world. A lot of people don’t know where their symptoms are coming from, it is natural so considered safer, no prescription required for this OTC posion. When people visit Doctors, doctors do not believe their stories. When I first time admitted to emergency (after sever side effects from SP)I told all about my SP use to the Doctor, to my surprise Doctor told me He was well aware of this but he can not do anything , can not complain to Health Canada, nothing will happen, it is multi million dollar bussiness and strong companies are involved etc etc. Yes fin and dutesteride have come to the notice of Doctors and now people are becoming more more aware of it but I am sure once there is a comprehansive survey, SP affectees will easily out number fin affectees.
My friend you just took for 5 days, so wait maybe God will have some mercy on you and your body will bounce back, but if you don’t see any improvement in 6 months then unfortunately it is a long struggel or maybe struggel for life.
I don’t think any doctor can do any thing about it, if it was possible no one would be here today. you can try clomid for 6 weeks, may be that can help you.Since it is fresh maybe your body will bounce back.
first you should run blood test and maybe some body here would give you better suggestions.


Ya I believe I’m gonna be fine. I’m supplementing zinc, working out and gettin a balanced diet. I’m thinking I can repair this, I’m only 19 as well so imy body produces a lot more testosterone then say someone who is 30. Wait and see I guess

Don’t worry you are young and you only took it for 5 days, just give it more time i am sure things will improve.

In the mean time try to take vit B complex, C and D, I think this will speed up the healing process and do a moderate excercise (a word of cautions don;t do too much excercise)

Some multi vitamin have saw palmetto in their ingredients, check yours.

How is your sleeping pattern ? if you can try to get good quality sleep and don’t sleep too late. Also if you like to drink alcohol, take a break from it.

yeah that is about 5-6 people negatively affected by SP by my book , although i rarely post or read here now myself
your body just had a very negative reaction to this , like my body and the other posters that posted in this thread - hopefully within a couple weeks you should be fine.spread the word about the dangers of SP.

Thanks so much for the words they are helping me a lot through this. I’m just gonna stay positive and believe my bodys gonna recover. Psychin myself out never helps either. It seems the symptoms are very slowly fading. I think in 3 months time I should be looking allright

Thanks for the advice. It’s a been 2 weeks and I’m seeing lil improvements. Nothing major has changed but lil things. I stopped drinking alcohol last week and hoping that in another 2 weeks some improvements will be made. I work construction so I get good excersise every day and I always get at least 7 hoursa of sleep now. I can’t believe it’s a legal to sell this

Is there any side affects to taking vitamin b complexes? Do these supplements interefere with the zinc and calcium magnesium supplements i already take?

There shouldn’t be so long as you take normal dosages.

Probably best to just take a multivitamin so you get everything all at once in the correct ratios/dosage.

Allright, that sounds better. I don’t wanna create anymore vitamin or mineal imbalances which could cause even further problems

For anyone also suffering, I found this product at a health store today. Its called biostrath. Its a liquid vitamin b supplement. Its suppose to boost energy, help your immune sytem, and help you recover from physical exertion. It has all natural food ingredients loaded with vitamins and minerals essential for the human body. There is zero known side affects and i’m really looking forward to trying it out. I started today, I’ll let anyone know how it goes.


your story is like mine, i am helped by coriander, you ever try, onw or two teaspoon twice a day with same amount sugar

musalman on another board you said you cured and now agin you are here, so auyovadic did not help you ?


wrong person

No I am not mistaken. you are the same guy, " musalman" on Messo and here as “muscelman”. you know why? because you mentioned the same chinese herbs on messo and then again the same chinese herbs here as a cause for your problems. Hope this will correct the record, no offence please.


Yes its me.

I have 95% recovered.

5% is helped by coriander.

I am searching 5% recovery and found that reishi is 5ar and came here.

For god’s sake ban this clown before he starts prattling on about mumbo jumbo herbs which have nothing to do with fin, witchcraft and ‘coons’. You thought majkellos was bad this guy will be worse, Crisler already banned him.

You got something against me?

You started flaming me.

I am the guy that did that ayuveridc treatment and recovered from reishi 5ar inhibitor affects.
I am 95% home.

You can go to hell.

he should not be considered to be banned unless proved guilty. Maybe we will get something form his experiences.
