LINK below…Good one…

Pharmacodynamics of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

In Vitro Pharmacological Activity.

Cytosolic AR was prepared from ventral prostates of castrated male Sprague-Dawley rats (about 250 g). The binding affinity of compounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the AR preparation was determined and analyzed as described previously (Mukherjee et al., 1996, 1999). The ability of the compounds to influence AR-mediated transcriptional activation was examined using a cotransfection system, as described previously (Yin et al., 2003a). Transcriptional activation was measured using a single concentration (10 nM) of the indicated compound and reported as a percentage of the transcriptional activation observed for 1 nM DHT. … type=HWCIT

“In perspective, not only could SARMs be used as superior alternatives to current steroidal androgens in therapy of male hypogonadism but also they could expand the scope of androgen therapy to include wasting syndromes, aging-related disorders due to declined androgen levels, male fertility regulation, and other androgen deficiency-related diseases.”

Wow, this is exciting.

So if I’m reading this correctly, these SARMS could be used with the sole purpose of upregulating androgen receptors?

This is first published in 2002, does anyone have any data on where these drugs are in the development phase?

I mean, if the theory androgen receptor de-sensitization turns out to be correct, then isn’t this exactly what we would need?

What does anyone else think of SARMS being used in our context? I have muscle loss and Ostarine is supposed to be devised for this. Shame it’s being produced in conjunction with M***.

These are probably going to be huge within five years and designed to treat hypogonadism without causing negative feedback on the HPTA.

Does the theorised androgen receptor insensitivity or remodelled hormonal pathways mean we wouldn’t react much to SARMS or can we not judge until they become available?

Hey Luckfax,

I’m also interested in the application for SARM’s in our case, and you don’t actually have to wait for it to become available you can try it now. Ostarine is available as “S4” in liquid form from a number of research chemical sites that specialise in bodybuilding steroid formulations.

My thinking is that how we react to a medication such as this could help shed some light on the receptor desensitisation theory. As this interacts with the androgen receptor but is not a hormone so does not aromatise to estrogen or convert to DHT. Whether or not our bodies react to something such as this could help us see whether our androgen receptors are working, or could even be a treatment option.

I am considering purchasing some myself to see how i react to it, below are two places where you can buy it, both sites seem pretty legit. … mg-ml.html … mg-ml.html

Good luck man this could be as significant as JN’s attempts!

Be careful to avoid the superdoses being used by bodybuilders and watch out for sides like vision problems etc. Although I’m sure you’re already aware of them.

I suffered muscle loss so want to see if this would work for us.

What does anyone else think of the possibilities of SARMS, even if they are in their rudimentary stages just now?


Start with 1/4 th dose and watch carefully for weeks and then procees slowly.

Yeah the clinical trials were done at 0.1 mg, 0.3 mg, 1 mg, and 3 mg doses. For some reason bodybuilders have decided to dose themselves at doses like 50, 100, 150 and even one guy taking 225mg everyday. These doses are crazy, i guess bodybuilders are pretty reckless.

I’d initially run a very low dose as i mostly just want to see if i react to it. I’ve heard good things other than the obvious muscle and bone improvements, such as increased sexual function.

Also, Ostarine only has a half life of 4 hours so you might consider splitting your dose into two, taking half morning and night, and maybe doing a five day on two day off cycle to give your body a break.

I agree spstriken, definitely better to under dose initially, and slowly progress.

Has anyone tried this yet? I pray this is the answer

Wondering the same. There are a decent amount of logs/reviews out there on Liquid/Research SARMS but I do not know of any who are PFS guys.

To me SARMs should tell us where the problem is. whether we respond or not we will know if the problem is with our ARs

I would try this, but only with a doctor, and i don’t think doctors know much about this.

if our problems is auto immune then maybe SARMs will work.

Any one going to try this? Seems dangerous.

Ostarine is the newer SARM and has literally zero side effects. It’s half life is 24 hours unlike the 4 hours some one mentioned above me, that means you only have to dose once per day. A common dose that a lot of body builders, including me are taking is 12.5mg and although I just started this regime, I am already noticing solid strength gains and fat loss around my belly. My muses also seem harder. It doesn’t have any affect on my libido so far as i cant tell, and this also seems to be the consensus of the majority of body builder uses. I should also note that Ostarine doesn’t have the purported vision sides as S-4 does. You can buy it here from They are good to go.

Has anybody tried a SARM yet???

I am interested too.

Currently on day 3 of a 40 day SARM cycle. I am using Ostarine, although I would have preferred to stack it with S4.

So far only lethargy and possibly increased E2 (although E2 could be from Vit C increase or carbs/bread).

i cant understand why this subject didnt attention so far. i think it is a potantiel cure .
is there anyone tried this? results?

Ostarine is made by merck. God knows what side effects it has. I never want to take another merck product.

ostarine and s4 are SARM , but they are different.
do not use s4, it has a lot of side effects, even vision problems.
i know many people that tried ostarine, like 25+ mg a day and saw only benefits.
but they were no pfs suffers.
i don’t think it will give us any benefits except muscle mass, but i want to try that for that reason.