Safe-ish protein powder recommendations?

Does anyone have a protein powder that they like and that seems reasonable safe for PFSers? There’s a lot of stuff out there, and I imagine that some of you have read ingredient labels carefully…

I don’t think that protein powder can do you harm in any way, I’ve been using protein bars and powder for years, just look at the ingredients and get one without soy protein.

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Anything without plant protein I think.

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Look for protein powder that’s organic grass fed non-GMO with ZILCH additives. So no artificial flavors, no soy, no artificial sweeteners, no sugar alcohols, etc. So basically nothing but ole plain powder. Natural flavor and normal sugar added may be ok. Make sure you’re lactose tolerant if you opt for cow’s milk protein. Otherwise plant sourced protein may be an alternative.

Thanks for the responses! Any particular brand recommendations? (That can be bought in the US?)

What is it about artificial sweeteners exactly that you don’t like?

In short: They kill the good gut bacteria that keep you healthy.

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I use organic hemp protein.

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