Ruined from Propecia. Took the drug at 20 years old for 2 months only...Now 27 and not recovered

Hello…I took propecia at the mere age of 20, and it was the worse decision in my life. I hate to admit this, but I was on the verge of suicide after noticing the side effects haven’t abated after 1 year of discontinuation. Anyways here’s my story.

I took the drug September 2002-November 2002 for about 2 months. One day I noticed I couldn’t “get it up”… I had every side effects in the book, Erectile dysfunction, no libidio, and watery semen. I decided to go see a doctor/specialist, urologist and endocrinoligst and then nuerologist to see if i had something wrong with my nerves. I had alot of blood work done after seeing urologists along with many tests(ultrasound, doplar test, arterioscopy was the last one). I submitted a complaint to the FDA and Merck in 2002 at the beginning and they were of no help to me. They said to consult with a doctor and the side effects should go away. Talk about not taking any accountability?

Anyways, I’m 27 now and am fed up with this non sense. I want to recover from this, be happy again, and work with a Doctor who actually cares and doesn’t look at me like I’m stupid.

For people who are thinking about taking this drug…think twice…if this forum was around in 2002, I wouldn’t of taken this drug.


Are the sexual sides the only ones? You’re even lucky then.

You mentioned that when you crossed the one year point off the drug, you got depressed and almost suicidal. What kept you going after that point?

I have a similar story, but I wasn’t smart enough to quit once I experienced side effects. I used this crap for years on and only came off for good about a year ago. Who knows what kind of permanent damage I’ve done?

I’m a fighter…not only that is I believe in Karma…I will not quit until merck and their scientists give in. They are not giving in. They are blatantly lieing to the public for far too long…

There’s only one exception now…TECHNOLOGY…in 2002 there wasn’t networking sites like facebook, youtube, etc… etc…

Now there is, people have access to knowledge quicker than before. Knowledge is vast, and quick.

Merck is going to pay for this, and I’m not gonna “croak” myself and give them the last laugh…

I hope that answers your question…

Suicide is a sin too, I don’t want to burn in hell…Merck can however…

I hope that answers your question.


Keep up the good fight. One day I hope we will all be back to normal.

So you have been off Finasteride for 6-7 years and have not recovered yet? Have you seen any improvement if you compare yourself to how you are now versus, say, 3 years ago?

I was hoping that by a few years down the road I could count on at least some improvement…

Ohh… now I see. Where are you from?

That is really depressing. Im suffering for 1 1/2 years from the sides and the perspective that they might not even improve is terrible. Im not expecting 100% back to normal. 80% is fine, 70 is fine but no improvement omg.

I really haven’t seen any improvement since stopping. Like I’ve said in previous posts, I think this drug crashed our endocrine system, altered our LH and FSH levels to the low spectrum of the range…Our bodies are not using to functioning at those levels, therefore we are stuck with this condition.

I’m looking at HMG as a viable source to get better, only after some blood tests and supervision under a GOOD doctor.

Also considering some novladex long term(2 years out) small dose, maybe 10 MG 3x a week. Again under doctor’s supervision.

My semen is watery, my sex drive sucks, and I’m still impotent.

Guys, I don’t know about all of you…but lately I feel exhausted and burnt out. The last 8 years of my life have been a horror show. There are times where I get my hopes up thinking we are close to a solution and we will be better.

I’m hoping that Dr. Irwig’s study is a success and the medical community actually puts more effort in helping us out. While there are a few doctors who have been trying their best to assist us, I’m very discouraged with the lack of effort that other medical professionals are willing committ to this problem.

Lately, I’ve been very depressed. I was hoping my thyroid panel came back abnormal and that my problem was with my thyroid. I suppose not since the results came back normal. I’ve tried a few restart protocols with no success. I have seen about 10 doctors, 2 of them in which are reputable. I feel like I’ve put in a lot of effort in trying to find a resolution over the past 8 years(if you want to backtrack, you will see a lot more of my posts in the former yahoo group).

Frankly, I’m getting tired of this…Tired of society too as a whole…I never would of THOUGHT Merck would let this issue get THIS FAR…I thought after a couple of years they would of eventually threw in the towel and admit their mistakes. I guess I’m wrong, and very let down…I’ve easily broken down in tears 10+ times the last year. The hopelessness of this problem is starting to get to me. Let’s face it folks, the scientists at Merck have the best understanding of the drug, and they KNOW what will get us right, atleast that’s what I THINK.

Dr. Irwig, if your reading this, I thank you for your efforts. WE REALLY need you, more than you will ever know. God will reward you for your efforts. You are doing the right thing. Good karma is a great thing to have… We need to push this further to clinical studies. I believe there is something out there that will get us right.

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I am 100% sure that Merck encountered shit like this in their trials but covered it up. I’m also sure drug companies and the corrupt FDA do it all the time with their toxic drugs. No way they didn’t have at least one person with horrible side effects either on or after quitting fin.

Edit: I should say horrible, irreversible side effects. As in their claim that the sides reverse after getting off the drug.

anonnn1, you are in a unique situation because you’ve been off this drug longer than just about anyone I’ve seen. Have you seen any of the more well known docs people have seen for this problem? Like crisler, shippen, or jacobs?

Right now I’m seeing Crisler…He listens to me, so I’m sticking with him, even though I can be a pain at times…

In the past I’ve seen around 9-10 doctors, spent THOUSANDS of dollars looking for a proper treatment protocol. I’ve been through evavise procedures that xhorndog has been through*doplar test, penile arteriogram, etc… etc…*I’ve sent letters to the FDA, got a rather lame response, with no hope in sight… I broke up with my girlfriend a 5 years ago, it was just too much…I also almost went into bankruptcy because of this. I’m strong however, as you can see I’m resilient. Even through this tough economy, I managed not to go bankrupt and able to get my finances straight along with getting a good education.

I’m a really GOOD guy and do not deserve this…but what can you do? Unfortunate things happen, I guess we must try to appreciate life and take what it gives to us…I will say for awhile I have lost a sense of consciousness because of this tragedy.

I decided I will dedicate my time and future efforts in helping out individuals on this board recover. I also am planning on helping out individuals in the SSRI community as well. I truely believe I will recover soon, but I want to help people out. There’s a part of me that always will want to help people out in anyway. I sure hope I can save some lifes, I do not want anyone to go through the amount of emotional pain I’ve been through the last decade.


Even though you are in range with rt3 have you thought about taking the t3 jn is on just to see if it does anything

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@anonnn1 how are you now? I know this thread is old and you haven’t been logged in for a while but maybe you will see this.