Rubbery Pale Skin - Whole Body

Anytime I exercise or put any strain on my body, it gives me a very screwed up feeling. Brain fog gets worse, muscles shake and weaken, it’s like my body is resisting it or something. So other than going for walks outside and saunas occasionally, I don’t exercise. I’m trying to get back into it. But yeah, it has no effect at all on my body…

I haven’t tried tribulus or proviron. I tried low dose Clomid and some thyroid medication. Didn’t notice any benefits.

So just to be clear, all of your skin and muscle tone has changed?

Yes my skin tone has become pale and dry from head to toe. Muscle tone may look fine for others but only I know what I feel in these muscles. Muscles have become internally feminine but still may look muscular. Skin has become thin. Brain fog is like I am the dumbest guy in the room.

I have got pretty hard brain fog when I tried to workout in the starting 1 month. Suddenly one day I forced my body to lift weights 2 times a day continuosly for 1 week and suddenly my exercise intolerance vanished, although the first 2-3 days were horrible. Now I can lift weights and exercise but they feel like just for time pass, no positives, no negatives. For normal people lifting must an androgenic effect, for me it’s just like sitting in a sofa watching tv.

I wonder why these muscle twitches are so bad!! Is this any kind of deficiency? I have muscle twitches even in my ears.

What have you done to fix yourself?

Some saunas, nude tanning, walks outside, cool/cold showers, some herbs, working on eliminating inflammatory foods and trying to manage stress. What else do you recommend to “fix” myself?

I can’t recommend anything, because I have yet to find something that works consistently.

I have the exact same rubbery pale skin on whole of my body for 8 months now. Lost weight and quite a lot of muscle. It is exactly how you describe. Can you tell if you ever recovered from this?

Hi Damon,

I have the same symtoms. I began with this symtoms during finasteride treatment (two months). The aging of my skin is clear, and muy face look as a shit. I also have a severe dry skin (un hand and foot is severe).

I think this symtoms os the worst of PFS. Have you notice any improvement? I Saw that andrologist dont know this symtoms

No improvements or advice as of yet. If I come across anything I will update.

Skin pre-finasteride

Skin today

Has anyone notice the greyish colour? Pre-finasteride and post finasteride (current) photos.

Thickened neck, grey and dull skin.

all of my skin changed to this, thinning skin in most areas but swelling fat everywhere.

I got all these symptoms from tribulus terrestris

Are you ok bro? Are you improved?