Ru58841 persistent sides ( sexual orientation disturbance)

Hi guys,
i tried ru58841 (ocotber december 2019) to regrow a little and switch to an other solution (it sounds risky but i searched a lot and didn’t really saw cases of persistent damages (exept for heart) (since i saw few people saying they didnt fully rehab from sexual sides)
I did 22 doses spaced in a 3 months period at regular dose with lot of sides ( lack of emotion, difficulties to sleep and loss of libido) and i stopped. I was also on regenepure shampoo at this period that contains saw palmetto i finished the bottle and quitt it at the same period as ru.
took it again (ru) once in June and it took 2 weeks to my body to heal the sides. At the start in october november it took just one day or two without ru to recover sides.
After i quitt ru in december I did 6 months without taking any hairloss drugs, and even 6 months clean my body didn’t reacted the same as before. It made myself thought a lot about the months after I quitt ru58841 and I conclude that I didnt fully rehab from sides in fact my libido was not as before
So I came here and realized something terrible. A guy is claiming that he rehab from finasteride sides but it made him excited for transexuals porn and that’s what happened to me. I realized that transexual porn made me more excited than womens most of the time I discovered this 3 months after arret of ru
. I felt in the past on trans porn (not intentionally) and it disgusted myself. I’ve always been 100% hetero and before taking ru, never even a single idea, I was also so attracted by a girl and after it was not as before. I’m not considering myslef either gay for now bc I still dont like masculinity, can still enjoy womens but less than before for sure. And since my body reacted bad again to an other stuff that I just took once to (azelaic acid) I realized that this trans ideas are intensified .
I’m sure that this hormonal dysregulation from what i didn’t’ fully rehab is the cause of that. I felt so bad having these ideas in my minds now that I know Its because of this drug I’m lost, I’m not gonna accept to stay like that. I would say I can return as before if I do the corrects things but I dont know by what to start and I dont want to make the bad decisions, so if someone could tell me more about my possibilities to rehab fully I would be gratefull.
I also had periods when i liked better womens so I know there is hope thay can be better with time.
I also didnt experienced a crash after quitting ru my sides just rehab gradually and they seems to disappear except for the fact that I cannot enjoy womens as before

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I’m considering adding zix (zinc, vitamin b6) to my hair for what i seens, it safe and become impotent into the blood stream. yes we never really know but it seems side free for real,
Hope it will not disrupt my rehab.

The fact that you took RU instead of finasteride means you knew full well about PFS.

Welcome to the club, insomnia’s to your right and brain fog to your left lol

Yes I’ve always searched a lot before trying something but this time it wasnt enough to make the good choices, it was definitely not for me but I can probably do something, my habits of life are so bad, nutrition and sport is the base for many of you I will start by that as my sides are minimal compared to others, I cant stop smoking hope it will not disrupt it. I hope you will find you cure too

What you’re describing as a change in sexual “turn ons” has been mentioned in these forums. You’re not alone in it.

I also have PFS from a topically applied substance, it’s possible.

Ru isn’t known to cause pfs, and it had been tested by lot of people, now I need to search if someone went back to normal from that I cant believe I will stay like that

If Zinc can cause PFS then RU absolutely can. Regardless you used Saw Palmetto, if you look around on this forum there are dozens of users here from that alone.

I just found why you said zinc could cause pfs, I’m not going to take more than regular dosages, good to know thank you.
Persistent sides and pfs aren’t the same Idont have symptoms of pfs so I will not consider I’m experiencing it but Yes I have an hormonal dysregulation, Yes saw palmetto could have worsen my status. Even if it stayed 2 minutes in my head.
I’m sorry that minoxidil gave you this sides,

Zinc is a 5-AR inhibitor. If you reacted badly to one 5-AR inhibitor, others may worsen it. Why would anyone want that? You do not want that. You want to be a healthy male and have sexual interactions with as many females as you possibly can. Or if you are gay, you will want to sex with a lot of men. Nobody cares who you have sex with. If you are in the Western world, you are free and do whatever is exciting to you. What matters is your ability to enjoy the experience, whatever experience you want.

I understand your point of view but in my case finish bald isn’t a possibility if I want to have sex, Shave head isn’t for me. I already passed 6 months clean exept for the single dose of ru and azelaic that I took 2 months and a months as go. Ive also tried zix at this moment I didnt’ experience any sides, in fact my libido was higher than normal. I also believe zix is the safest 5ar inhibitor out there if you stay in the normal range human body can absorb without toxicity (20-40mg a day)
Im sure of my heterosexuality and I will not start to enjoy a sexuality that a drug induced, if I try a regimen to rehab I will stay away from zix during this period.
Sure I could try to make it better before trying zix but my hairloss is too aggressive