RG108 demethylation try-out

So guys. I am going to try RG108 rather sooner then later. It’s a research chemical which demethylates, also non dividing cells. My question is as follows. The RG108 is N-Phthalyl-L-Tryptophan C₁₉H₁₄N₂O₄ . It’s a l-tryptophan derivative, which is C11 H12 N2 O2. As weird as it may sound, I am the most scared in this expirement of getting some broken down RG108 converting into tryptophan into me, which i really don’t want. @axolotl @Dubya_B @awor Do you guys have any idea how this works? And if it might be just a bit of tryptophan etc.? Thanks in advance everyone


Flattery will get you nowh… Okay but you need someone with organic chemistry knowledge more so than a generic smart guy.

I can guess that you would probably end up with tryptophan as a metabolite in the event the phthalate (snowman with “oxygen hands”) gets kicked-off by an electrophilic attack on the nitrogen . There’s a potential mechanism here under “cleavage” in the corresponding picture:


Couldn’t find info about metabolites of rg108 on a google scholar search, so this is just an educated guess. Not sure if the drug could contribute enough trytophan to make a difference either.

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thanks for the response! Yes i agree, if there would be a tryptophan metabolite, i hope it will be not so much to create a tryptophan response.

Today I did the first low try out dose of RG108. Was nervous since it´s a research chemical, but it went without adverse reactions etc. I did 50mg mixed with 1ml ethanol under the tongue. Apart from a slight headache right now (3 hours later) I don´t notice anything, which was expected with such a low dose. I suspect the ethanol of causing the headache, so tomorrow I will try the ethanol without the RG108 to see if it has these effects. Should have done this first, but I didn´t think about it.

The goal of this week is to find out if under the tongue works. This will be hard to judge, but i hope i can find out before the first 400mg is used up. After this i would like to start a real demethylation regimen, with a good administration route. I hope to at least notice some effects. In the upcoming days i will probably go up to 100mg, and end with a dose around the 200mg.


How is this going for you?


Having troubles with the solution and regimen. If all goes good, this monday, I will try the first injection (did it sublingual, under the tongue, first). I have to mix it with alcohol which gives a lot of trouble when injecting, causing tissue damage. I will have to dillute it to 2 percent and try and see if my body can tolerate the alcohol at this low of a percentage. Sadly, the only other thing I can dissolve the RG108 in, is DMSO. DMSO is known to methylate globally and I will not take that risk.


Won’t dissolve in oil wawater?

No, only DMSO and ethanol

So I tried the injection, with 2 percent alcohol, and it´s not doable. Way too painfull. I would have to inject 600ml a day of this stuff, so it´s no option at all. I am feeling really devestated and suicidal, RG108 really was my last real option when it comes to demethylation. I worked towards this for months, and now it can´t happen due to something stupid as the solvent. I am not a person to wait years and years for research, I can´t and don´t want to do this. I really feel out of options here, and feel like death is becoming inevitable for me. I will try nilotinib still, but I don´t believe this will cure me.

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How about you don’t take anything anymore?

To a scale from 1 to 10 how much painful?

7, and it’s more the tissue damage i am afraid of, then the actual pain. ‘‘4% alcohol by volume produces injury to nerve tissue cells by dehydration, necrosis and precipation of protoplasm’’

I hoped with 2 percent I could avoid this, but the pain says otherwise.

I can’t stop taking anything and just wait for studies. I know some people here can, but I don’t want that/can’t do that.

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:confused: other options as solvent?

To make like you I have seriously deteriorated.

Me too. Betaine HCL ruined me. That’s why I am doing things like this, I don’t care a lot anymore.

Not one I know of. I will try breaking my head on it, so if people here have any suggestions/ideas they are welcome.

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You should try finding specific forum with biochemistry people

I have contacted mesolimbo, the pharmacologist on the PSSD forum, he will help me today or tomorrow. I will post here how it went.

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