Revisiting a previous suggestion

Theres often conjecture about those that left the forum. Better or dead!!! Less severe think the first and the worst effected think the latter. I believe Greek has picked this up a few times but as far as I’m aware it hasn’t gained traction. There should have an additional contact point for each member. Can this be taken forward?

I don’t think many people will be willing to give contact details for a friend or family member. To be honest, I’m not.

What would be helpful would be for people to check in every now and again, even if they are feeling better, and feel that they are duty bound to do so.

Part of our community cohesion problem is perhaps connected to the idea that there’s a shortcut to wellness. If people can get onboard with the idea that this is a marathon, not a sprint and also acknowledge that even if you recover, you still have a sensitivity and that relapses can and do happen. With that in mind, people might be prepared to help each other, take part in projects, help find funding, spread the word to other people more. I feel that in general this is an issue here.

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Thanks for your views Greek, the thing is if people die and not necessarily always from suicide we will not know. I am severely effected and getting worse I have already had cancer because of fin so who knows what’s around the corner. There was a guy who was pulled back from a near fatal heart attack days ago. We speculate around numbers only, this would help strengthen our case. I would be more than happy to provide next of kin/alternative details and for these to be held on a central database. Those who improve or are still around can always revisit.

I think that this could create all sorts of data protection issues, I think if we as an organisation offered to maintain the data, it could cause problems. It might be worth mulling it over to work out what’s possible though.

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Ok mate no worries also aware data protection could be an issue but not insurmountable as it’s only a second contact point. I’ll leave it with you thanks again