Return of an old member... to remind you guys all is not lost

Hello guys, I don’t know if anyone would remember me. I was here some time back, perhaps 2 or 3 years.

I had low libido, sexual dysfunction and occasional sleep disturbance, mild brain fog and hot flashes around 8 months after quitting Fin (took for around 1 year maybe).
But the mental sides/ sleep issues have completely resolved now. Only persisting side is low libido (much improved now) and low ejaculate volume.

When I joined this forum and was reading threads, I have always wondered what happened to some old members, how come they do not reply or update us after 2-3 years. Whether they had recovered or moved on.

So I know I haven’t been around too. But I wanted to reconnect and to share my experience during the past 2-3 years, especially with the newer members. Cause it’s frightening when PFS hits you first.


Well that had me in even more dispair lol. No sexual function after years still. Damn

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Glad to hear your mental sides and sleep are better. Thanks for reporting back! So your erectile dysfunction did not improve at all? I was confused because it wasn’t listed as a persisting side. I get confused easily these days lol


good news!

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Hi, How about your ED and testicular shrinkage? any improvement in these 2 years?

Hey sorry for the late reply.

So what’s improved are:

  • Libido (70-80% recovered) , have morning wood.
  • Mood 100%
  • Sleep 100%
  • Hot Flashes 100%
  • Sexual function 70-80% (can have sex weekly or less)

Not improved:

  • Tesrticular shrinkage
  • Low ejaculate volume
  • Occasional low libido
  • Body composition (flab on abdomen and boobs) like pseudogynecomastoa. Am working on this with gym and diet

I haven’t taken any supplements, or medication. Just occasionally took Zinc Tablets and Whey Protein. I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% libido wise.
But can function at current level.

I think structural changes / shrinkage of Prostate and Testis are Permanent hence the small testis and low ejaculate volume


But all in all, compared to before a major improvement which occurred gradually over time

I’m very serious about lifting , gym and diet now. Will see how much I can lose fat. If I can do that, that’s another addition to the recovery.

To anyone in despair, give it time. Try not to stress about it, and hopefully with time you’ll see some improvement.

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This is excellent! So happy you are in a much better place. Thanks for reporting back!

Good to hear from you :slight_smile:
Which diet are you following?

don’t you feel tired, without energy?

have you ever used viagra or cialis before getting better?

I have tried cialis and it helped. EQ improved and confidence went up.

Haven’t used in a while and haven’t had to. Sensitivity and refractory are not fully the same but are manageable.

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