
I got resveratrol today. Can it be not good for pfs?
I don’t know if i should take it.

Resveratrol seems to help some ppl. You will also find it in Alpha sustain, that also contains Crysin 7,8 Benzoflavone. Sadly the its hard for the body to take it via the gut. Alpha sustain works because of that as a dermal aplication. Piper nigrum (peeper) which may be also lowers T, makes a better resorption for the gut. So better as dermal or with pepper.
It is a bit strange. Both lower Östrogens but a bit DHT too. I´m not realy sure, why it helps. For me too. May be, many get a crash, when Testo gets up again… may be because of the Östrogens, that shut down the LH and FSH. But E2 Östrogen ist not the only thing that regulates the LH and FSH production. DHT too. So may be, it holds T up and prevent a crash. So the body can heal.
Resveratrol also brings defect cells to death and is antiinflamatoric. That might help too.
In take 300mg with pepper a day. It seems to help. Sorry, for my very bad english.

Resveratrol is a known inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase. As a 5 alpha recutase inhibitor did this to us some how, I would think twice before taking a resveratrol supplement.

Try interval training instead (just not more than one a week or so due to the adrenal issues most of us seem to have)

Zinc is also alpha-5 inhibator and it help.
Are there people who crash after taking resveratrol?

Hi Jonson,

even cola inhibts 5AR in a test tube. Even Vit D3 seem in a test Tube to inhibit 5AR like many other things. Im realy not sure, why it helps. There is a member how recovers by it. Bigsofty
I dont know why but all the time I feel panik, I dont know if this is a crash, resveratrol helps very good. Just google it, there are many studys about it and what it does.
I use 300mg with pepper a day oral, since 3 weeks.

Did it help you in the sexual side effects?

mh, I avoid sex atm. Also masturbation, because somehow, I feel sometimes worst after it. Sometimes much better. What I can say, my penis isn´t cold anymore, one of the things that scares me a lot. I also use Asparaginacid 2g a day and many other aminoacids which birngs me more or less over the day. For me its a bit a up and down. you can read in the member story´s my improvments.

any more updates on resveratrol?

not only is resveratrol a 5ar inhibitor, but i believe it inhibits angiogenesis too, via VEGF inhibition. VEGF expression is linked with Nitric Oxide production. I’ve tried a full-spectrum grape extract (with resveratrol, opcs, other polyphenols, etc), and I felt a subjective attenuation of libidinal “progress.” As for what local applications of resveratrol might do, I have no personal experience, but I’ve not had success with oral administration. I’ve read on that resveratrol

Off topic: for the record, I believe (due to the science I can’t find atm) that standardized french maritime pine bark extract, Pycnogenol, is superior to grape seed extract for us such afflicted.