Resetting the system by dragging T down

Most people who artificially increase their T levels (me included) do not experience any benefit or they get worse. This is probably caused by a further desensitization of the androgen receptors, which can last for a long time or indefinitely.

So, what about trying the other way around, i.e. lowering T? Shouldn’t this cause a “resensitization”? If the effects are the opposite of raising T, lowering T for a couple of weeks may be beneficial for a long time or indefinitely.

I know that there may be practical issues, such as problems caused by low T. But aside from those, can anybody who is knowledgeable about the receptor desensitization theory provide some thoughts?

So… Why didn’t the people with low t resensitize automatically? Also… Why not pose this to your doctor or try it yourself? What method would you “drag” t down with? A shot of lupron? Not so wise… All questions to consider.

They should keep their T even lower

Actually, the first time I met with Goldstein, while explaining to me what propecia does, he said: “You see, we know what happens when you get lupron and end up with T = DHT = 0, but we don’t know exactly what happens in the half castration state T > 0, DHT = 0”
So I asked him about the possibility of going to that known state and restart from there, and he said that that can create further problems. He didn’t say which ones, though.

Before talking again to him about this idea, I wanted to know a little bit more about how this weird procedure would fit in in the androgen insensitivity theory. In other words, assuming that the theory is true, what would happen if you lower T?

I think I read somewhere that the number of androgen receptors is proportional to T. So, lowering T will cause a decrease in androgen receptors. And bringing T up again later would reconstruct the receptors. Is there any chance that they will be rebuilt correctly?

(I apologize in advance if what I say makes little sense… my knowledge is very limited.)

the further problems would probably be those of having no androgens at all, but many of us are already experience the issues of androgen deprivation - it really depends on the individual if they recover or not. I dont think any doctor can tell you before hand if your receptors would be “rebuilt” - If you want to attempt it, try Goldstein again or since your in CA ask Mariano.

Man! seriously you will feel like shit. you have now good mood and good energy by getting ur T down the only thing u will wish for is DEATH. Yes DEATH. I had had low T below 300 and know how much I was hell bound. you r just crying for ur Sexual problems now, but then when ur bones and joints will become weak u will be feeling like 100 year old guy.
you have got good level of T and now leave it over there. Just wait maybe sometime ur body will recover.

Oh yeah, I know, but I also know that some sex-offenders are kept chemically castrated for long periods without dying. Nevertheless, I was wondering what would happen if you do that for a very short time, like a week or 10 days. Lowering T will kill your androgen receptors, which may correctly re-grow afterwards. Dragging T to 0 for some time and letting it increase afterwards would practically “simulate” the step from childhood to puberty. I’m wondering if that would work.

so ur good now i didn’t catch u?
what drug u used and for how long to lower the T
can u give us any details? :smiley:

I did this 2 years ago. Stopped TRT cold Turkey. And also T3 3 weeks later. So I had no T AND no thyroid hormines in my body for a week. T3 has a big effect on DHT and raises some AR protein.

1 month after stopping TRT I bought tribulus (again) and got positive reactions from tiny doses (like 100mg instead of a full 1g capsule).