Hello all,
We hope you are doing the best you can. A quick update on the current status of research being organised by PFS Network.
Kiel study
The latest from Kiel is that all patient samples are now in cell culturing. We’ve also received the first five control samples to the lab, which is ahead of schedule and very exciting. We expect to receive the remaining control samples in August or early September.
This puts us on track to have at least 4 aliquots of all samples in liquid nitrogen by October, at which point we can begin sequencing. As we are using the same ethics approval for our study at Tampere, it also means we can extract DNA from 12 patients to use for that project.
Tampere study
All ethics approval applications have now been submitted, and now we wait. We hope this is a relatively painless and quick approval process.
We are a tick under €150,000 of funds raised towards our €200,000 target. A massive thank you to every patient or loved one who has contributed.
Call for more genetics study volunteers
We are currently sitting at 118 volunteers for this study, but importantly, only 87 volunteers are immediately usable as they either completed our patient survey or have a propeciahelp member story older than six months.
We strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t already to please apply following the link below. We are particularly interested in twins or brothers.
Link to application form: https://forms.gle/P3KhvSqEdpwjRHG5A
Once we have ethics approval, we will start reaching out to applicants about next steps. Although we will need the full €200,000 to complete the study, we can begin without the full amount.
If you have any questions, as always, please reach out.