So I have been dealing with side effects from Finasteride for about 2 years now, I started taking it when I was 18 and stopped when I was 19, took it for a period of about 7 months. During that time there was issues going on with my prostate, sometimes I would get sharp pains coming from it, it didn’t happen every day, but sometimes a couple of times a week.
I haven’t really thought of it much until now, I think my problems could be coming from a shriveled prostate that is not getting enough blood flow if that makes sense. My side effects are brain fog, incredibly low/nonexistent libido, and problems getting an erection due to libido (I have been having better luck with this lately).
Recently I started up with a testosterone boosting stack of supplements to compliment my workout routine (I workout about 5 times a week). These supplements include Activate Xtreme, Diesel Test Hardcore, Sustain Alpha, and Toco-8 (I am adding in EndoAmp Max next week). I haven’t really thought about the whole prostate thing until this week. Since starting these supplements, I have been feeling a sort of pressure coming from my prostate along with an occasional pulsing feeling that has not subsided for about 4 days now. This has to have something to do with my body attempting to create more testosterone. I do not have any pain when urinating. It makes me wonder if my prostate is getting larger and going back to it’s normal state before I started Fin. I’m starting to think my issues are prostate related, I ordered some Iodoral and Quercetin in an attempt to see if this helps.
I know I should go to a doctor about this but I don’t have the money to pay for one right now.
Anyone have any insight into this prostate thing? If the prostate is returned to a pre-Finasteride state can all of these side-effects be healed?