Refer your docs - and donate - to (posted by PFS recoveree)

Greetings and salutations! My name is Mel H., live in Wash DC, 50yo lawyer. I took 1.25mg FIN religiously/daily 1999-2014.

I am extraordinarily fortunate to have ENTIRELY recovered naturally from PFS except sleep dysfunction. From Dec. 2014 (discontinuation date) through June 2017, I quite miserably suffered - as most of you do - from MANY horrific/traumatic PFS maladies, inc. profound emotional/sexual dysfunction, breast development(!), hallucinations, facial hair stopped growing, penis pain, suicide attempts, depression, etc. 

ALL the foregoing resolved inexplicably naturally over 2.5 years and there is no trace of PFS left EXCEPT severe sleep dysfunction (which began June 2014). (I am not confused, deluded, or moronic BTW and 50+ docs and 1000s of med docs back me up A-Z.)

Unfortunately I have no medical advice for you. I apparently just got lucky and PFS naturally resolved after 2.5 years. Just hang in there since “PFS recovery is NOT impossible!” 🎯


All the above is background for this post.

You MUST refer your docs to the superb “medical publications” section of 


Virtually ALL my docs/neuros/psychs “blew off” my complaints and references to PFS until I referred them to that page. Docs only respect PUBLISHED MEDICAL LITERATURE!

The site has many other useful features and info, inc. a comprehensive listing of PFS maladies. See attached.  

I’m donating $800 annually to them:


PS I’m not affiliated with them, just a donator!


Greetings and salutations! My name is Mel H., live in Wash DC, 50yo lawyer. I took 1.25mg FIN religiously/daily 1999-2014.

I am extraordinarily fortunate to have ENTIRELY recovered naturally from PFS except sleep dysfunction. From Dec. 2014 (discontinuation date) through June 2017, I quite miserably suffered - as most of you do - from MANY horrific/traumatic PFS maladies, inc. profound emotional/sexual dysfunction, breast development(!), hallucinations, facial hair stopped growing, penis pain, suicide attempts, depression, etc.

ALL the foregoing resolved inexplicably naturally over 2.5 years and there is no trace of PFS left EXCEPT severe sleep dysfunction (which began June 2014). (I am not confused, deluded, or moronic BTW and 50+ docs and 1000s of med docs back me up A-Z.)

Unfortunately I have no medical advice for you. I apparently just got lucky and PFS naturally resolved after 2.5 years. Just hang in there since “PFS recovery is NOT impossible!” :dart:

All the above is background for this post.

You MUST refer your docs to the superb “medical publications” section of

Virtually ALL my docs/neuros/psychs “blew off” my complaints and references to PFS until I referred them to that page. Docs only respect PUBLISHED MEDICAL LITERATURE!

The site has many other useful features and info, inc. a comprehensive listing of PFS maladies. See attached.

I’m donating $800 annually to them:

PS I’m not affiliated with them, just a donator!

On a lighter note! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Finally I rarely visit here but pls write me at:

Me recently:

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