Recreational drugs induced sexual dysfunction

Do you guys believe that a sexual dysfunction induced by drugs like MDMA, LSD etc… is also a endocrine disruption, and ‘the same’ as PFS/PSSD/PAS?

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Mdma causes it, but not lsd. I don’t use them, just research information.

There are some anecdotal reports that it is possible from LSD and shrooms. Also some people got PSSD like symptoms from 5-htp supplementation so i guess all things that elevate serotonin can cause something like PSSD.

In our forum, few people recovered with using Shrooms. They were PFS patients if i remember correctly.

Yeah on the PSSD forum some people also got improvements with shrooms and i think there was also a recovery with MDMA/Shroom combo.

Anyway, i’m just wondering if people who have PSSD/PFS/etc…-like problems because of recreational drugs have the same ‘syndrome’ as we have.

It’s certainly plausible - I discussed the possibility of this based on a very interesting and thorough study here:


So, do you have any possible treatment theories? Should we try cycling shrooms? Im not a pssd sufferer. Maybe it only works for PSSD people. Not for PAS (me) or PFS.

I have PFS and feel incredible on shrooms. But the day after I always get depression so I stopped using shrooms.

But also healthy people report depression after a LSD/shroom trip so I guess its normal and not PFS related .

I’m not that knowlegdeable myself, maybe someone else with more knowledge can jump in but here are some intresting threads from the PSSD forum.

(Hypothesis why shrooms could cure someone)

“Blunted HPA axis though antidepressant-induced upregulation of GR. Less cortisol -> less glutamate -> LTP disruption. Basically, you restored LTP with psilocybin and you reaped the benefits.”

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Are they microdosing or just taking a giant hit? Microdosing seems to be the rage now

I’ve seen dozens of videos you YouTube about it.

Microdosing mushrooms and lsd seems to be the new thing in Silicon Valley