Recovery Using Exogenous Testosterone

So my story starts out the same as most

I took a topical hair loss product twice, ended up with severe anhedonia, emotional blunting, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and minor sleep problems (mostly just sleep maintenance insomnia, could fall asleep fine).

Long story short, got special lab tests done, found that test was decent but DHT was boarding low and estrogen was low. Decided after prior experience with test boosters that that route was a meme and decided to stick a pin in my ass. 200mg split into daily injection, also added Masteron (DHT derivative) at 200mg as an ancillerary. libido came back in waves, some good moments (literally periods of a minute or two sometimes) and periods of zero libido. eventually, the good periods became longer and the bad periods became shorter over the period of a couple of months until I just stopped thinking about it.

I used bacopa monnieri a good amount too, which helped with sleep and libido, I still take it daily.


Maybe a bit much to ask but could you post your bloodwork?
And did you inject T every day in your ass? Or once per week?

Care to elaborate what „topical“ product you used??

nah I was just making a funny

I rotate between shoulders, triceps, chest and occasionally traps with a 1/2in slin pin

It was emu oil, has a high content of 5ari fats and polyphenols similar to saw palmetto. It was probably the polyphonic compounds that crashed me seeing as I could take MCT oils and not have a persistent worsening of symptoms (although I did develop quite the sensitivity (would worsen symptoms) to MCT oils after the crash)

Yeah so how much injection? Can’t imagine you inject every day… and if you do, why not once a week?
Also how is and was your morning and nocturnal erections?

Once a week causes huge fluctuation is T/E2 ratios causing moodswings, acne, fatigue. Its far far better to pin everyday to avoid these hormonal fluctuations. I believe this is typically why a lot of people here take a shot of test, feel good for acouple days, then start to feel even worse and quit the TRT. boggles my mind that people don’t think of this when they take test

What about the erections? And testicle size?

Erections are good, testicle size hasn’t shrunk even though test is sitting at like 900ng/dl and its all exogenous

What country are you that can get you Masteron?

Bubba by the squat rack is a good friend if you catch my drift