Recovery time For saw palmetto effects

Hello Guys
I started taking SP Extracts from Oct2020 till April 21during period I had a UTI for which I had Antibiotics I cleared the course Next Test Report was clear

Howevwr testicle pain Ejaculatory problem , Testicle swelling , Libido loss was’nt getting better.since never knew that Herbs can do these kinda Sideeffects Nd websites are not clear on sideeffects either so I could not know…

Now After Avoiding for a Month I am getting better like Testicle pain reducing , Intermittent swelling gone , I am having boner bt Not that hard one sometimes hard but few days it is mild and firm

Any other suggestion frm you guys ??

Don’t ever take SP again.

And of course steer clear from Finasteride, Dutasteride, Minoxidil, Keto (the shampoo, not the diet).

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From my personal experience with finasteride I’d suggest you supplement with Creatine monohydrate (5g/day).

It will increase 5 alpha reductase activity. For me, even after more than one year since my last pill my balls wouldn’t go back to normal. After supplementation with Creatine they pretty much got back to baseline in 3-4 weeks.

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Please notice that creatine has a story of crashing people.

Thx for recomendation… I am also thinking not to have anything . just giving my body time to recover… But can tribulus help as i am looking in various threads that ot helped…

Yes, tribulus can help. But it can also crash you to hell.

You’re vry early into this mess. And if you are recovering, don’t touch anything.

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Thx TFD…Water fast is it suitable for me…My erection function is good Ejaculation got better…Boner is someday Hard then someday mild…So considering my situation should I also do water fast ?? Nd how to do??

If I were you I wouldn’t do anything at this point in time. Give it one year before trying protocols of any kind.

Again, you’re very early into this. And you seem to be getting better. Don’t fuck it up.

Usually SP sides are much, much more manageable than Fin sides.

You’ll probably be fine.


Thx Your words Gave me Great relief nd confidence…Wishing to krishna That u will get perfect very soon …Praying for ur best…

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