I haven´t got much time to explain this recovery case. Just let you know that there´s a spanish forum where a guy, after 3 years, has recovered almost completely from his secondary effects.
These effects included total loss of libido, erectyle disfunction, decreased size of penis, and a weird feeling on his right chest.
He says that he still has some periods of feeling his libido low, but he also says that his libido is now at 85% (and when he experienced the side effects, it was 0%!!).
One of the main problems of this guy has been the “non interest for sex”. I recall reading his posts where he used to say that he was feeling like a little kid, living his life not being interested about sex at all.
He has improved a lot since then and, as I said before, he says that he feels pretty much recovered. Good erections, morning erections, erotic fantasies (he says that he hasn´t had those for a long long time) and high libido.
What has he been doing to improve during all these 3 years? Well, nothing really. Basically try to keep positive and weight training. Weight training has been his routine during these 3 years. He was convinced that it could improve his condition…and It did.
Anyway, in a couple of days I will write the translation of his whole post here, so you can read all about it.