Recovery of a spainsh guy at a spanish forum


I haven´t got much time to explain this recovery case. Just let you know that there´s a spanish forum where a guy, after 3 years, has recovered almost completely from his secondary effects.

These effects included total loss of libido, erectyle disfunction, decreased size of penis, and a weird feeling on his right chest.

He says that he still has some periods of feeling his libido low, but he also says that his libido is now at 85% (and when he experienced the side effects, it was 0%!!).

One of the main problems of this guy has been the “non interest for sex”. I recall reading his posts where he used to say that he was feeling like a little kid, living his life not being interested about sex at all.

He has improved a lot since then and, as I said before, he says that he feels pretty much recovered. Good erections, morning erections, erotic fantasies (he says that he hasn´t had those for a long long time) and high libido.

What has he been doing to improve during all these 3 years? Well, nothing really. Basically try to keep positive and weight training. Weight training has been his routine during these 3 years. He was convinced that it could improve his condition…and It did.

Anyway, in a couple of days I will write the translation of his whole post here, so you can read all about it.


Sounds like the user “Jon Doe” that posted this story:

Suggest you verify if that is indeed him as he has his own thread in this section… I will likely combine this thread with that one if its the same guy.

Thanks for letting us know!

Sorry to disagree with you Mew, but I think Jon doe is another person.

The guy I´m talking about was with finasteride longer than the period that “Jon Doe” mentions.


I’m not sure why you think they are different people, Jon Doe says he recovered after 3 years, the same amount of time the spanish guy did… ? Jon Doe also says he never took anything to help his recovery, and from your post, neither did the spanish guy… to me it sounds like the same person… then again maybe I’m wrong!

Anyway looking forward to the translation. :slight_smile:

Mew, if you read the last update on “Jon Doe´s” post, he says that he has suffered from gynecomasia. Well, the guy at the spanish forum hasn´t.

Also, Jon Doe says that he has suffered from depression and he has done a lot of sleep. Well, the spanish guy hasn´t. Actually, the spanish guy has been done a lot of weight lifting and has always tried to keep his mind positive and don´t think too much about the secondary effects issues.

And the guy at the spanish forum is…well…Spanish :slight_smile: , and, by the way Jon Doe writes in english, I don´t think that he is Spanish :wink:.

Definately, Jon Doe´s and the guy I´m talking about are two different cases from two different people.

P.S.: I´ll translate the full post about the spanish guy as soon as I can.

Regards. :smiley:

The only coincidence from both of the posts is that the spanish guy, as well as Jon Doe say basically the same:

“there is light at the end of this long long tunnel…”

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I have heard it can take years to clear up prostate problems sometimes…
So, in the meantime I have always heard to avoid dairy and red meat, because these are bad for prostate.
I know I know, it sucks, I LOVE pizza too, and milk, and ice cream… But its everywhere I read: redmeat and dairy are bad for the prostate…

Oh, btw, I’m curious to know if there is a ‘prostate forum’ out there somewhere?? I know about the ‘chronic prostatitis forum’, I located it for us, but I’m just talking about a general prostate forum…

Anyway, peace and good luck guys! I will be trying 15-20 miles per day!!
Wish me luck homiez! I’ll be leaving in the am, FINALLY! I’m ready!
3 weeks baby, 3 weeks!! 272 miles!!

Best wishes to you boston!


just to clear things up…the spanish guy is a different person…cheers

does anyone else think the ‘love calculator’ adverts on a site dealing with drug induced impotence is distasteful?..just a thought.

Jon Doe, this is an off-topic post for this thread.

Secondly I have no control over the ads shown on this site, they are put there by the free forum host. It is pointless to debate them.

Let’s keep this thread on topic, please.