Recovery from PSSD/Anhedonia via Licorice Root Extract

I came across this link. Supposedly a guy recovered from PSSD and anhedonia via licorice root extract. He was taking it for three months until he noticed improvements. Has anyone tried this? Don’t know if its bs or not.

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What he explained is true LR is great for healing the adrenals. Some people shy away from it because some say it can lower testosterone. Have not read any stories here of anyone trying it out.

I was taking licorice root extract because of low cortisol. Seemed to help for a few weeks but then I started feeling worse again. I’ve tried it a few times since then and each time I just feel worse from it. Can’t say I noticed any change mentally but my tinnitus seemed to increase while i was taking it. Possibly because of electrolytes or aldosterone?

Everyone’s different though… just cause it didn’t work for me doesn’t mean it won’t work for you.

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