Recovery Analysis Project

Hello all,

I am starting a project to analyze recovery stories of PSSD, PFS, PAS, and related disorders. The goal is to find commonalities in recovery stories. With this information we can come up with an ordered list of what treatments are best to try, which could be customized based on what caused your disorder. The project will also serve as a central repository of recovery stories- as well as a place to document new recovery stories.

The methodology is currently as follows:

  • Document recovery stories in a spreadsheet.
  • Tag recovery stories with relevant tags (what they took, types of treatments, etc).
  • Associate tags with “metatags.” For example, stories that used ginko biloba or SJW would be tagged with “k-opiod antagonist.”
  • Calculate the most common tags with various filters on the data, like PSSD-only, PFS-only, all stories, etc.
  • Explore theoretical implications of the analysis.
  • Periodically publish reports on the results.
  • Continue to accept new recovery stories into the data as they come.

Where I am right now:

  • Spreadsheet designed (Google Sheets)
  • Preliminary analysis code written (Google Apps Script - ES5 JS)
  • ~70 recovery stories documented
  • Preliminary metatag definitions

I am looking for people who want to contribute to the project. By becoming a contributor, you will get early access to the data. Here are some roles I am looking for:

Data entry

  • Search the internet for relevant recovery stories and enter the data into a form
  • Tag the story with relevant tags

Data checker

  • Review and verify existing story data
  • Verify accuracy of story tags


  • Assist with metatag definitions
  • Assist with data analysis methodology
  • Assist with report generation
  • Explore theoretical implications of the data analysis


  • Assist with spreadsheet design and analysis code
  • Currently using Google Sheets and ES5 JS Google Apps Script

I am looking to build a team of contributors, such that we can have some preliminary reports available to the public within the next few months. If you would like to join the team, please reply with how you would like to contribute (roles or what skills/activities). You will need a google account so I can give you edit access to the spreadsheet. Please PM or email ( your google account.

Please only join if you have the time to put in at least a few hours of work per week into this. I expect most of the work to be done within 3 months.

Eventually we will open up the spreadsheet for public viewing, and provide a form to submit new recovery stories. I am keeping it private for now to incentivize contributors and focus our time on dealing with the data/analysis. Until we have much more data/analysis, there isn’t much to glean from it anyway.


Assuming there isn’t equivalent work being done, and the moderators don’t believe this will fragment anything else already going on, sign me up.

@NewYorker cool, please PM me a google account I can share the spreadsheet with

This sounds brilliant if you ask me
It’s about time their was some organisation of information we have stacks of info available but it’s so disorganised its hard to work our way through it and on top of this we have dig between the lines of statements of like
" i tried that it didn’t work"
" that won’t work because of this"
" it did nothing but make me feel worse"
" i crashed due to this that the other"
" that drug will do this not that"
" that made me even more impotent "
" it upset my stomach"
" it made me horny for 3 days then didn’t work"
" its doesn’t promote dht is supreses dht"
" i couldn’t sleep for 3 days"
" it turned me into a zombie"
" it made me tired and drowsy"
" its been done before but he crashed week 2"
" its not low testosterone that’s the problem"
" it won’t work its a neurological issue"

Blah blah blah
Throw in a stack of conflicting scientific studies to read through and you find yourself within a never ending bat & ball game that leads to nowhere.
Maybe analysing recovery stories comparing methods and substances would be a better way.
Personally i think very few really recover but this i good way to remove assumption and get facts.
The only possible downfall is I’ve seen again and again and again with recovery stories is that quite often the OP comes back to say it’s all gone down hill weeks later.

Would it be a good idea to split things into two groups one with the more prominent sexual issues and one with the more prominent mental issues ? As i tend to find alot of the guys with the prominent sexual issues don’t give a monkeys arse about the mental issues they just want their Dicks to work properly again and attribute most of their mental issues i.e depression anxiety to this.
Most of the guys with the mental issues don’t give a monkeys arse about their Dicks not working they just want to be able to think and sleep again.

Either way I’m up for it I will email you mate this looks like a promising way to move things forward.

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Awesome. Yes there are lots of issues with any analysis method. We will do the best we can by contacting people who claim permanent recovery to verify they are still recovered. We will also look at failure rates of the most common recovery elements and sort elements by success/failure ratios. There is lots of work to be done and we need all the help we can get!

Regarding splitting the data into groups, yes that can be done. At the moment you can apply filters to the data and run the analysis on the filtered data. We would just have to add a column that specifies if that person was more concerned with mental or sexual side effects.

I think this is a MUCH NEEDED and beautiful idea. We have so much data on here that’s simply just not organized in a any meaningful manner. If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Yes! Please PM me a google account I can share the spreadsheet with :grinning:

Just in case you have not seen, the site admins will be launching a survey very soon which has the aim to properly characterize this disease for the first time. We have been working on this for about five months, and selected users are currently beta testing. Each respondee will have the option to allow publishing of his/her data on this site. The data will allow us to define various clusters based on criteria such as initial case severity and later recovery. Once we start getting the data together, you could then try to see if you can find information in the forum to further characterize each cluster along your questions of interest. Just thought I’d let you know about that, and the possible synergies.

In any case, please keep your data public and share from onset, so everyone can follow your work. Our data will also be published in near real time (twice daily), so everyone can follow the results. If you paste the public link of your Google sheet, our forum software will render it. Please pm me when you are ready to do this, I can make a wiki topic for you, which you will be able to continually edit.


Sounds good. There can definitely be some synergies between the projects. We will make the sheet pubic soon, perhaps in a few weeks. For now I am trying to build a core team and keep communication focused on the work efforts, and avoid having to spend time answering too many questions/criticisms/etc from the public while the methodology is still in the development stages. If you would like to coordinate with this project in the meantime, I can share the sheet with your google account :smiley:


Great idea but even if there are permanent recoveries there is no way of knowing how permanent they are, if the people had genuine PFS, or what lead to the recovery. The only way to know for sure what works is through a RAT STUDY testing different treatment protocols. We would have to finance it ourselves. I hope I will be able to write a long post about it soon.

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@talkingant how far did you get with your collection and analysis?

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