Recovered from pelvic muscles and prostatitis

yes i want prostate check from doctor. only say “my prostate have some pain”(this is not true but i need for test), and say" maybe i have prostatitis, please a test ?" and get test

Prostatitis is commonly diagnosed when doctors cant figure out what is going on - I think most people have a tight pelvic floor and pelvic floor dysfunction. I’m in a facebook group with 400 ppl and 0.01% have actual prostatitis. Doesn’t hurt to check though.


I should have mentioned that out of those 400 some people - tons of them have been diagnosed with prostatitis when they did not have it - this is an area where even top urologists are not well informed.

They will, i did the same. Check out my last prostate thread. I messaged my doc from Facebook before going to see him, saying that i want this spesific test and whatnot. You gotta work out things for yourself in this damn world.

Did you have hard flacid alonng with the pelvic issues

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