Recovered again... And crash again

Hi guys…
Here again…

In my last topic I was explaining how fucking bad I was again since a long and 100 recovering… I’ve recovered myself so many times and crashed again after some months all the times…
Last year I had a crash that lasted since july until october… And by the end of october again I was fucking good… This time though it has been just 3 months… And since 2 weeks again Im bad… This time is most of all sexual sides… Not able to get erections since 3 days… Fucking hell…

The thing guys is that I need some opinions about what I did…
Since I was so fucking amazing again and had meet this girl that has become my girlfriend, the night of new year I drunk and also I took a drug… Just small dose…put my finger one time, it covered the top of my finger and I licked it… The drug was MDMA… I regreat so much of it but the thing is that I was feeling cured since october so I wanted to enjoy… I have had this drug before too but never since PFS… But years ago I had cocaine once and I had PFS already… In that time I was recovered and dodnt feel anything bad from coke…
The thing is that all january i’ve been perfectly, aprt of february too… But since 2 weeks im bad and npw totally impotent again ;(…
So, I dnt know if the drug is the cause of this… Or is juat another fucking crash as others that i’ve had…

Im scared cause this time I dnt feel anxiety, heavybrainfog insomnia etc… As the other times… Now is just sexual and a bit of tiredness… So is different of my last crashes…

Im sorry guys I 've failed maybe all of you since I was recovered and took a fucking drug… Since all that we have suffered… But fuck I was feeling amazing and just did it… :frowning:

Some advice or opinions…?

Thx guys…

I also forgot to say that I was feeling so good and strong, and I was going for running since october… At the beggining of february I even did a half marathon thas was celebrated here in my town and I was feeling great… And I had taken the drug already one month before…

hello I would like to ask you how did you feel leading up to your recoveries? if you remember?

I also had a 12 day recovery about 3 weeks ago I felt good and 100%.

I also feel that I have changes with my body like something is being adjusted or something it is a weird feeling.

I would say that you are on the right direction your body is healing itself and you should let time heal you avoid drugs. we don’t really know what pfs is so it could be a neuro transmitter issue. taking drugs could affect your GAGA receptors and cause Problems you described.

Hi, thx for your reply.
U can read other posts I have posted… I have recovered so many times I dnt know how… Most of the time it has been just time… I have taken some vitamins and some detox live pills in the past… And I have recovered a lot of time from brain fog, sexual problems etc etc…
Thx… Hopefully I recover again… I have never took drugs since I suffered PFS except 1 time I took coke and this time… Im also not sure of is a neuro transmitter problem cause i’ve been completely normal so many times… So if was a neuro problem I guess never would’ve been recovered… As many people here…
Gonna have rest and detox days with doet, natural pills and stuff and hopefully i get better again…
How long that u r like this?

Stop taking drugs fam

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Yeah i know… I just did it once some years ago and mothing bad happened… And now this one…
Never again I know…