Recommendations for Sleep?

I’m wondering what (if anything) has been helpful for this terrible sleep we get. For me, personally, I am able to sleep if I get kinda drunk, but I don’t want to consistently rely on this, as the idea is to get healthier! I’ve tried melatonin, I feel it does nothing. I’ve also tried over the counter sleep meds (which I believe are just antihistimines that also produce drowsiness) with slight but minimal success. If I do nothing, my sleep is terrible (non-sleep, basically, you know what I mean) and then I am completely drained the entire next day. Taking T-boosters (phenugreek, maca, tongkat ali) has helped me with libido, stronger erections (to be sure), and energy levels a little bit. I cycle and take days off.

The one thing that would be really helpful is to find out a way to sleep without drinking alcohol.

Hope you all are doing well.


This may or may not work for you but I’ve found having really hot bath for about 20 minutes before bed really puts me in the right state for sleep by draining all my energy. You can also buy tea’s which help put you in a more sleepy state and I have this whilst in the bath ready for when I get into bed. I bought mine in indonesia but there are a number of natural ones you can find on Amazon or in your local health food store

15 mg mirtazipine changed my (PFS) life. I sleep pretty well most of the time now…still not like I used to, but I get by.

yeah jorbie, the mirtazipine is what i’ve been considering. i’m just so afraid of gaining weight. lol