recent blood test on Tbone

prolactin 11.9 nanograms/mL
SHBG 36 (forgot the units used, normal range is 13-71)
Testoterone 514 nanograms/deciliter

I got exactly what I expected to get: conservative endocrinologists who aren’t willing to consider possibilities with finasteride use, telling me to go see a psychiatrist.

waste of time.

Plug your numbers (SHBG and serum total T) in here to calculate your true free testosterone:

The “Free T” that the labs do is notoriously inaccurate, much better to calc it from SHBG and total serum T. .If you have had a astandard physical in the last 12 months it is likely that they tested albumin, iof not use 4.4

Let us know what you get.

I got the result:

Free Testosterone: 10.2 ng/dL, 1.99%
Bioavailable Testosterone: 245ng/dL, 47.6%

I don’t know what this means, but I’ll search this site.

The units described on the website for normal range of free T and bioavailable T are different from the units used in this caculator from Belgium to which you referred me, Kazman.

I don’t know which tests would be the best to have done if I do pursue more testing in the future, but the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) seems interesting. Perhaps LH…

Wow. life turned to shit in 2008-2009.