Really depressed, after stopping propecia i have seborrheic dermatitis and ocular rosacea. Does anyone here have a scientific theory on how this happened? Ie, did the propecia cause a permanent alteration in the sebum/hormone cycle?

I am seriously so depressed about what propecia has done to me. After taking it for nearly a year i stopped once i noticed my hands shaking and my eyes feeling like glass. Around 2 months after stopping i noticed a ton of fordyce spots on my lips and under eyes which i guess is all the oil that came rushing back onto my skin (fordyce spots are permanent, yay!). But in addition, i also noticed red patches on my cheeks, under my nose and on my forehead appear (i have never had this before and its not in my family whatsoever). After the patches appeared, a few weeks later my skin basically would crumble in those areas and flake. This eventually reached my eyes and now i also have swollen eyelids and my eyelashes are coming off. Seriously how the hell is this drug allowed to be sold? The doctors i have seen are all aware that propecia is a form of castration and had i have known too i would not have touched it.

Anyway now i suffer from dry eye (mgd) and sebderm on a daily basis. These don’t run in my family and i’ve never had it before.

I was wondering if any fellow sufferers might know why my skin has reacted this way? Could it be because propecia alters the skin/oils permanently? Something to do with a permanent change to your oil glands? Or perhaps, does the sebderm come from the drug infecting your intestines (sibo)?

The fact this drug is allowed to be sold to the public shows how much we should distrust pharmaceutical companies and also lets be real, they never find cures its always ‘treatments’ which either ruin your gut or end up giving your permanent life changing side effects. I hope all involved get the karma they deserve and i hope all those who profit one way or another through selling this to the public get the same sort of life changing karma.

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I got seborrheic dermatitis as well. In my case tanning helps a lot. It disappears completely when I sunbathe during summer, indoor tanning helps a bit too during winter.

Has the sb affected your eyes at all? Do you get redness after you shower?

It didn’t effect my eyes, but I do get redness after shower. I have it on my face and using a shampoo that doesn’t irritate your skin helps. Also, something I’ve noticed is that it gets a lot worse when using a medicine such as nsaids, which makes me think that our kidneys/liver aren’t working properly.

Hey dude, do you think theres anything we can do to reverse the damage?

I don’t know, with time and healthy lifestyle perhaps…

If these are your only sides, consider yourself lucky.

How long have you been off?

Fuck i am so depressed mostly with the ocular rosacea. My eyelid is swollen and if i get off antibiotics my eyelashes start to fall.

A couple months now, first month i started seeing redness around my cheeks and now i have ocular rosacea which is probably much worse than normal rosacea as its such a bitch. Never had this before or run in the family.

Do you know if there is anyway to reset the damage or reset the hormone changes propecia has done to our skin?

At this point in time nobody knows.

Give yourself at least another 6-8 months before thinking about taking anything.