Read this if you're in the UK!

If you live in the UK, report your side effects to the yellow card scheme.

It’s a bare minimum that we do this so please do it now. Also would be cool if you can reply to say you’ve done it to get an idea about how many they’re getting.

Agreed: everyone needs to report their PFS side effects to the government health agencies in their respective countries.

Eventually, when the clinical studies are published, media outlets in countries outside the US will do stories, and in the process, the more serious outlets will inquire with local health authorities about numbers of reported cases of PFS.

So every report by every patient counts.

Do it today:

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I reported my side effects to the yellow card scheme at the end of 2012 approx.

Good job Scotsman. I did it last year.



I did this myself over the phone and my GP who I respect did the same too

Any UK GP surgery can this on your behalf too

Bump. Please report your sides if you haven’t already.

Bump :exclamation:



On top of donating and pushing for awareness it is very important that everyone reports every single side effect/symptom to the Health Authority in their respective country. It is acknowledged that the reporting system is grossly under utilised. Low numbers = very limited action. In England its the MHRA, yellow card scheme. Following a call with them earlier this month the lead investigator stated that an increase in numbers will actually bring leverage for change, low numbers makes it difficult to make a case, even ties their hands. SO please can everyone do their bit and submit reports. I’ve sent dozens. In Action is in excusable. While this may not bring a treatment a few minutes of your time may help save lives. IT will also help towards getting this condition acknowledged.

Note the Authorities do share data so no matter where you are you need to do this.