I have something called Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (aka Irlen’s Syndrome). For any of you who are experiencing the same symptoms I have (ie difficulty with stark contrasts such as reading dark letters on white paper, nighttime vision, lights looking smeared, but perfect 20/20 vision), you probably have this, too. It’s commonly found in autistic kids and is a form of dyslexia. You can read about it at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotopic_s … y_syndrome. These are the very symptoms I have.
There is a treatment to help us read. There is a test called a colorimeter, and we find out what color would be best to put in our glasses to reduce the havoc that the sharp contrasting colors make in our reading and everyday life. Not every optician has the test, and it can be quite expensive, but the results are supposed to be amazing. I’m getting the test done next week and will hopefully get back to med school in the fall.