Hi everyone,
Since my first post a month ago, I’ve had a significant decline in my condition and a lot of things have gotten worse quickly. I’m pretty concerned and would love some guidance for how to move forward. Thanks in advance.
Some context
For the majority of my Saw Palmetto recovery, I was able to eat anything except coffee, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, alcohol. Big obvious 5ar inhibitors. But about two months ago, I had a 3rd portion of a tomato-based soup and that seemed to have pushed my body beyond some threshold that I had not seen any warnings of. Tomatoes had never shown signs of affecting me before.
Over the past month my body has rapidly started rejecting almost every vegetable, fruit, nuts, bean, grain, and oil. At this point, I can get by okay with eating sardines, salmon eggs, bread, white rice, butter, red meat, and pork. For the past 18 months (and before that) I was wildly healthy - eating all the best things to help my condition. And they helped me boost T and I often felt great bc of them. But now I’m at a complete loss about what to put in my body. I’m so discouraged because I felt really optimistic and was recovering so well before this drop.
Shortly after my “tomato incident”, I ate sorghum pancakes and I had a terrible reaction to them. I wasn’t even eating them for therapeutic reasons…someone offered them to me, I just said “sure”! I had consumed sorghum products fine 3 months prior but this recent bit pushed me into a terrible spot.
So, here is what I’m currently experiencing when I eat most foods. I do feel mostly okay if I haven’t eaten anything in a long time (like in the morning).
-Tingles on my face
-General fatigue/light-headed
-Pressure on back of my head
-Mild burning feeling on skin (like that sunburn feeling people mention)
-Intermittent aches on knees and elbows
-Sharp, shooting pain or dull ache in pelvic and testicular region.
I know these are symptoms a lot of folks experience so I apologize for being redundant and not very original.
My questions
Has anyone observed that they can’t eat something and then eventually gain back some level of tolerance. Honestly, I’m afraid of the answers I’ll get but I have to ask.
I’m seeing my doctor next week. What kinds of tests and blood work should I be asking them to have done?
I’m considering doing some kind of water fast (maybe only 48 hours…I’m pretty skinny as it is) but since I can’t consume any greens without issues, how should I start the refeeding process? I think bone broth is still okay for me.
Anyways, thanks for reading and for your general compassion you show everyone on this forum. Thanks in advance and take care.