Rapid hair loss

This is insane I’m losing all my hair like 500 plus hairs are coming out in clumps. Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on? I’ve literally lost an inch from my temples in the last few days my hair seems to be everywhere. My hair loss stopped after getting PFS but has now resumed to a point that I’ll literally have no hair in a matter of weeks this isn’t normal

Are you taking any supplements? Like TRT or Proviron?

This also happened to me it was the same time the muscle atrophy struck

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No lad.

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Did you also get a painful scalp?

More like a burn. Feels like I’ve been in the sun all day and it’s gone like sellotape.

For me this might be a sign of your Hormon levels bouncing back. If you can easily get your T Level tested, Go ahead for it.

It has nothing to do with hormones level , i think it’s more to do with the receptors , some receptors are probably working again and claim to be very sensitive

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I just love how everyone here is acting as if the „Receptor Theory“ is true and has been proven.

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Not saying it’s the sole issue but it’s certainly part of the problem , 95% of people on here have normal hormones levels in their blood but things aren’t working like they used to @silentpain89

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I would strongly argue against that phrase „ 95% of people on here have normal hormones levels in their blood but things aren’t working like they used to“
Almost everyone here has problems with their T-Levels, most are low normal to below normal levels, which is way below the levels expected in healthy young males…
Im not saying that our problem is hormonal…On the contrary, im saying it Probably has nothing to do with hormones, but Nonetheless most of us has Low-T associated problems such as dry skin, dry hair, dry eyes, muscle atrophy, hair not falling anymore, and these problems can be solved with ُRaising T level…
I have talked to tens of sufferes, and almost everyone of them loses hair on TRT or on DHT prohormones…I can solve my severe dry eye symptoms with one sachets of T-Gel for several days…My hair gets on T Gel really oily and the MPB burning and tingling come back…
Again, im not saying i know it all, but to me there are at least 50 arguments against the receptor theory, and im simply not convinced.

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You think there are 50 yet you didn’t gave one this far. Most people here have normal T, the ones who have low T usually see no benefits from T. Which indicates that the receptors aren’t doing their work.

I am honestly curious, what do you think the problem is?

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Same thing here. I lost 2cm of hair. I’m almost bald. I’m a PSSD user, and never had alopecia.

I wonder if anyone here is able to read before jumping into conclusions…I just gave a clear reason why i dont believe the receptor theory explains everything…
Yes people who have low T or „the minority“ who have normal T dont see any improvements when raising their T Levels…But lets first agree on what „improvements“ are on the first place…
Are we talking about improvements in something extremely rarely seen in Low T patients like genital numbness?Or are we talking about Insomnia which is a very unusual symptom in androgen deficiency, or about the crushing depression and suicidal thoughts, which is again might happen in low T patients but not at this severity…I have numb skin, cant taste or smell anything, is that an androgen deficiency problem…Do eunuchs have these symptoms?..

For me improvements on T supplementing would be things like getting rid of CLEAR and FRANK symptoms of low T symptoms which i listed some above…All other things like genital numbness, depression, Anhedonia etc… are things that clearly way more complicated than one receptor malfunctioning…Im not saying it is impossible but i just think it is highly unlikely…I rest my case :smiley:

P.s. just wanted to add, i do believe that the Low-T (Which again lots of memebers here have) is just collateral damage of something greater happening in the brain chemistry.

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My t levels almost doubled in the 6 months after fully coming off fin and I had no improvement in any area. I tried t gel as a last resort and got a 3 hour window uplift followed by a massive fall. All of my hormones are ok. I fully endorse the receptor theory in that they are either silenced or over sensitive. It’s the one that makes the most sense. To me anyway.

Yes you have seen no improvements on the PFS symtptoms, but androgen deficiency symptoms are something else…You have already said you were losing hair during that time, which can only happens if your „receptors“ are working…Im not saying that the problem might be „Androgen receptors of the brain“ not working, but still…Your hair AR at least are :smiley:

The t gel did something more than just improve the expected. I contexted things, I was aware of my surroundings, I wanted to socialise, I felt the full set of emotions they felt balanced and my sight was sharp again.

When was your crash? For me, I lost shit tonnes of hair at month 2 on pfs, so imo I suffered telogen effluvium which was because of 1. sudden hormone change 2. quick muscle atrophy (lost 1/8th of my body weight within a month because of muscle atrophy) and 3. severe stress on PFS. Could be your case too, depending when you had your crash