Rapid body changes

From one day to the next my entire mental and physical make up can change. Like even through out the day. In 1 day my skin can turn looose. My entire sense of self can change. Hair can turn brittle and back to strong and the brittle again. Its like my body and mind are constantly mutating. I am crashed to hell from forskolin and now eating too much fat. I went through a rollercoaster over the past few weeks. Forskolin set my baselinw down from about 50% to 10% and its even more obvious now my girlfriend can see my physical changes in real time. What in the Fuck is happening too us? How am i so derealized and crashed off a grain of sand ammount of forskolin? How can my body be constantly changing soo much? For every centimeter of progress my body drags me back 50 miles and outs that baseline out of reach. Like it hurries to destrpy me. Drops a nuclear bomb on even the slightest bit of improvement. Last wrek from eating beef and fat my skin was tighter was havibg morbing wood. Flash forward a few days i an impotent blob of skin. Worse off than i was before.

Does anyone else experience intense instantaneous changes to thier body? Its pretty dramatic . my gf cried when i showed her my skin yesterday. Does anyone have a theory as tonhow this is possible? Over expression of genes??

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@hippydoof sorry to hear this mate. I hoped the fat and beef would have given you longer restbite. Unfortunately I’m in the same room as you. I’m all over the place multiple emotional and physical changes throughout the day. Overall i continue to slide no matter what, nothing works. Everything is toxic to different degrees. I believe whatever has happened to our receptors is progressive and after the unitial switch/nuclear bomb what is left continues to fall away. The fact we both react to extremely small amounts suggests our receptors have become very sensitive, I put a fingernail of Gabba on my tongue last year and it blew me apart, the same thing happened with magnesium. While I’m eating my breakfast I can feel my limbs becoming ice cold. Its insane. I’ve lost all of my strength and I was still strong even just a few years ago. I can pull the tendons in my legs like elastic bands, they’re no longer taught, I can pull skin from anywhere on my body akin to someone who had once been severely obese, it rolls instead of snapping back. My muscles are like an old ladies and continue to shrink. The thing is you mentioned skin firming up for a while and getting wood. I used to get that too which suggests the receptors can still function in the right environment. Its working out how to desensitise them. I don’t think it’s genes as there wouldn’t be partial real time improvements. Something has made us react to things enter the autoimmune theory. Getting a cold or virus would determine this either way. Regardless things are getting worse and I seriously worry whats going on inside of us ie the unseen damage. I’m sure you’re thinking the same. As a last ditch, not that I’ve got much weight left Ive started a once weekly 40 hour fast this week which has given me some restbite. My mind, eye sight and smell sharpened. I felt a small return of strength and didn’t suffer a massive deteriation. I returned to baseline after eating without further worsening unlike everything else. Previous fasts brought nothing so unsure what has changed other than that I’m further down the road. As you know fasting is a demethylator. Genes!!! Who knows. Try fasting again!

@hippydoof something got me thinking, not because of the fast but as everything appears to be toxic were just driving up the problem whenever we eat. The fasting seems to give the body / whatevers been increasingly aggravatd a rest and it tries to reset/normalise when at rest whether it’s the inflammation, the receptors the gernes etc. One thing for sure is whatever we eat pushes PFS to new heights.

Fasting does seem to kick start things a bit. I did a 2 day fast and could tell it helped a little im gping to increase my fasting frequency and eat smaller meals when i do it. It does give me crazy insomnia tho carbs help me sleep. Also im pissing a lot. I wonder if i have some form of diabetes because thats a sigh u have it. Idk just trying to figure shit out. Glad fasting is helping u tooy man

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Also i type everything from a cracked screen broken phone so pls forgive my rampant spelling mistakes

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Despite pissing like a horse constantly diabetes tests have come back negative. I’ve had numerous ones done over the last decade. Pissing is getting ridiculous these last few months. I’m not advocating anything but Metformin has caught my interest. I have a feeling it could be beneficial to our symptom list many have had uplifts. It has lots of beneficial properties. I’m hitting another fast from 5pm today

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I’ve been on an almost 3 days fast. I ate 2 days ago during the day but had nothing the day before or yesterday but water. My baseline has bounced back some. There is no doubt that eating fucks us up. I can actually kinda see my abs again. Much less inflammation and bloating. More energy. Sleep is awful while fasting tho. I’m going to eat today because I’m for sure gunna pass out if I don’t but I’ll eat clean as I can and monitor my symptoms . It’s a weird thing when you feel better for starving yourself. Funny thing is tho I almost never feel hungry. Or full for that matter. Ive barely had that sensation for years now. How are you feeling today?

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That’s great news man! I’m on a fast myself now 27hrs in. No feeling of hunger either. I performed the same last week and have felt a little better overall mood wise but just realised a gluten wheat free cereal I’ve been having has brown rice in it which could be giving me a false picture. I prey not as I was actually starting to think that I’d finally started to turn the corner as was also getting the occasional feeling downstairs. I pray my worries are unfounded!! And that the fasting is helping. My tinnitus is raging at this moment in time. As a side I’ve been looking into Metformin “a few current posts out there” given our diabetic like symptoms it looks as though it could be something!! Low risk and seems to have many benefits. I’m pleased for you as know how bad things have been

@hippydoof how’s things going is the fasting still helping?