Even the most deadly and rare diseases are recognized & have some sort of treatment.
The most deadly cancers have countless treatment methods. Even terminal cancers have options to alleviate symptoms.
How can our cases really be faced with absolutely nothing?? What is so special about our condition that traditional medicine work cannot understand anything??
How can everything look more or less normal in endless labworks, but inside our body isn’t working correctly.
Even deadly rare genetic diseases like ALS aren’t like this. At least there’s an understanding behind what’s happening to the body.
This disease is like being medicinally in 1920, while living in 2020.
What is so damn hard to understand about hormones and their interactions with receptors, and gene methylation, etc? Everything is there. In countless studies and textbooks?
Couldn’t potentially a genetics expert or an endocrinology expert look at us, and at least UNDERSTAND wtf is happening? I’m not talking about a cure. Just to even understand the problem?
What could be so specific and mystic about our condition than the thousands of other hormonal, immune, neurological, genetic conditions documented and thoroughly understood?!