Raising $$ for the Foundation via Amazon Smile

Why aren’t we raising more money for the PFS Foundation via Amazon Smile?

This is what I just saw after completing an order:
image ru

Can this be correct? Have we really raised only $91.37???

If you order stuff from Amazon, and you haven’t already done so, please go to smile.amazon.com and specify the PFS Foundation as your charity.

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Apparently it’s not available in Europe but here is the link for Amazon.com you log on via this link and place your order.


Given the high number of PFS guys from the US, $91.37 is a disgrace and to think people come on here and complain about the Foundation but can’t be bothered to do anything themselves.

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I donate directly to the foundation via their website and PayPal. No idea what Amazon Smile is. My guess is most people contribute the way I do.

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I donate directly, as well as through Smile. I don’t do a whole lot of purchasing through Amazon, however. I’m sure that a majority of PFS sufferers are either unaware of Smile or that the PFS Foundation is eligible to receive donations through Smile.

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As there is no European PFS Foundation until now in Europe, I propose to choose a PSSD foundation for the time being and vice a versa. That way we can still raise money for the probably same disease

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