Radically different approach?

Alot of our efforts in the past appear to have been trying to raise our testosterone.

This will seem completetely stupid and more than likely is…BUT has anyone attempted to lower/block testosterone for a period of time with Casodex or even tried the contraceptive pill?

Considering this started off as a hormonal problem it makes sense that the solution would also be something that alters our hormones?

Theres little logic to my thoughts except that changing our homones in such a radical way might trigger them to revert back to their original state.

Lets be honest it took very little for our bodies to crash so something like this could be all that we need?

Again I know my thoughts are borderline retarded but could be worth a shot considering we’ve tried almost everything else? I know theres people on here who’ve went back on fin and had possitive results so something as contradictory as this might infact help us?

Lastly I found this forum (What Would Happen If A Man Took Birth Control?):
boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/sho … p?t=583669

A male friend of mine not known for bullshit told that he once took a birth control pill just to see what happens and the result was an abnormal amount of spontaneous, long-lasting erections.

Share your thoughts on this…

Don’t take a birth control pill.

i’m all for guys trying whatever they can conjure up and then reporting back - but it seems like the consensus even on the forum you posted was that it would only have further feminizing effects

I agree but if we compare ourselves to normal people we are far from normal also I wouldnt propose we stayed on these drugs but what my thinking is that a subtle change could kick start a recovery…

anything is possible. part of me feels like there is no way i could get worse sometimes.

This is a very ineresting topic. This is what I wrote in another thread concerning trying propecia again.

But just a few things to think about. A few members actually reported feeling better going back on, however quit the drug in order to find a natural remedy. I also wonder what continuing the drug would do at the regular dosage and these are my reasons why: (1) for many people, the side effects did not appear until the drug was either irratically taken in dosage or completely stopped. Almost every doctor has said the same thing to me, which is that perhaps our bodies have built some dependence on the drug. These doctors have asked me if I have considered going back on it. (2) The studies confirm that Finasteride actually raised testosterone levels by inhibiting the conversion to DHT, so perhaps its possible we are somehow affected by the smallest change in testosterone levels (perhaps we all had low test/dht to being with) (3) the studies of finasteride indicted that sexual side effects appeared but that they resolved within 3 months of usage. If I am correct, Merck recommended staying on the drug even through these adverse side effects. I am not 100% sure, but didnt all the test subjects continue the 3 months even with the sexual sides? I dont believe they stopped taking the drug. Again, just things to think about. Do we know any members who had severe side effects and didnt immediately discontinue the drug? It seems like most people stopped upon seeing these horrific side effects which is completely understandable.

I am thinking the same but I will do with 1/100th the normal dose only for one week or two maybe it will reawaken our body. I will do this as a last resort. Actually this is what homeopathic principle is based on, like cures like.Very small diluted amount is used as anti dot for the ailment caused by the same substance. But please these are my thoughts which might be totally wrong.

i have never heard of anyone being cured by going back on fin, so be damn careful … and yes, merck said people can remain on the drug, even if they had sides, but my sides were so severe, i had no choice but to quit

agreed, but what if those test subjects experienced the same ejaculation problems, ED, decreased libido etc and remained and thats what helped. Obviously this is all academia since we really dont know what the hell is going on with our hormones. It is interesting, I know how I feel completely off it, but I dont know how I feel back on it.

Certainly makes for a interesting conversation. There’s no knowing if something this counter-intuitive could actually work or even make us worse which would obviously make this hardship even harder. I suppose it comes back to being willing to trying anything because you’re so desperate.

I guess my crazy hypothesis is by attempting a counter-intuitive treatment method we are going into uncharted water. Clearly those who have attempted TRT or similar haven’t seen any long lasting benefits. By doing something like this it might shake us back into normality or awaken our bodies…

Food for thought for the day

yeah it makes sense that fin increases testosterone, thus some people have actually felt INCREASED sex drive while on the drug. i have been thinking about this and what has happened.

there has to be some third variable that is effected that has a synergistic relationship with both testosterone and DHT.

because if you follow the chain of events… say someone takes propecia and has increased sex drive. so theoretically they have increased testosterone and decreased DHT. sex drive up, hair loss gone.

so following those events, the opposite case would be us, we have LOW testosterone. okay so how is that possible? it would mean that 5AR2 is converting MORE testosterone into DHT than it should be before we took the drug. (this is what i am guessing is happening with the “regular” person who gets off propecia and has increased hair loss maybe?)

but in our case, we have both decreased testerone AND we have decreased DHT. both of them got decreased.

so what is the third variable that is taking up the extra space here? allopregnenolone is also decreased, everything is decreased. it’s like something isn’t being made that was being made before. the testerone is low and it must be going somewhere, being converted into something, or lacking something before hand… because it’s just unaccounted for. also, small testicles, why would they be small, they produce testerone, there is part of the problem right there… something is missing here.

it doesn’t follow the chain of events, we are missing some factor here.

where does the increased estrogen come in here? is that part of this? just some food for thought, maybe someone knows more…