Quitting Finasteride for second time

I was initially on fin for a year. Had great results but ended up quitting due to side effects. Hair started thinning 3 months or so after stopping, so i decided to go back on. I told myself the second time would be different since i had healthier habits now. But today i just flushed all of my remaining finasteride. I was on it 7 weeks this time and the past few days i’ve had terrible brain fog, dizziness, general feeling unwell and just do not want to continue treatment. Also no morning and weaker erections. But now i’m scared that i may develop full blown pfs by going on and off the drug twice. After i quit the first time it took a while before i felt somewhat normal again, but i’ve heard bad things about people going on and off…anyone hear successfully quit finasteride a second time and make a recovery?

Yes. Right now is the moment for you to relax and technically eat, do and think in a constructive and “wholesome” manner.
You don’t know if the storm is going to come -most likely it won’t and I really, really mean this - but if it does, know it’s not going to be a fun ride but you can make a recovery and you can turn suffering into health along with strength.

I would try to stay out of this site untill you REALLY know that you have it, and if you do go into this site in moderation. Doing things right now that make you happy or fullfield right now seems like a good idea. Also, don’t alienate if you don’t have to; reach to people that they care about you and viceversa if you have that luxury.