Quitting cold turkey and going on/off

Hey guys, i have one question. do anybody here know why quitting cold turkey or going on/off multiple times causing more problems or even the problems begin then? why is it like that? why quitting finasteride cold turkey often leads to pfs?

Nobody knows…Only guesses…Most published works dont even mention the crash that happens before pfs and after stopping the drug…

I quit twice…the first time I went back to normal and a ton of my hair fell out
.The second time I crashed and slowly sank into a physical and mental hell and loss of health…

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me too holy. second time i crashed. but i dont get it why the studys dont mention the crash ??

I don’t think it’s dependent on a “crash” I got pfs after the second pill and only stopped because I was too dizzy to eat yet alone take more pills. I simply thought it was a virus or some inner ear thing

This is very important and part of the syndrome that has not been correctly characterised in the literature. @awor and I actually talked to a prominent scientist at a meeting recently about how no publication has yet adequately addressed this. This is very much on our radar as a goal, and our survey will provide data that can support and demonstrate this for the scientific community.


thank you much for this helpful answer @axolotl

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Same. I’ve stopped taking it a few times over the years. Every time my hair would start falling out, my skin would get much better, sex drive better, etc. But those were always spaced out a good year or so between each time I stopped. It was mostly just due to forgetting to get my prescription filled or whatever, not on purpose;

Then early 2018 when I stopped everything went back to normal, sex was awesome… I started back again (afraid for my hair) and things went back to not being as awesome. I decided then it wasn’t worth it, I’d rather be bald and have awesome sex more often… so I stopped again and have had issues ever since. Sex went back to awesome for maybe a week at most.

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what problems do you have ?

Genital sensitivity / numbness issues and long refractory period (3-4 days oftentimes)

After stopping 2nd time my hair turned grey but didnt Re bald like the first time…my facial and body hair got thinner and turned white…I went from running 5ks to not getting off the couch weak as pond water…No strength, muscle jerks. Gained 100lbs of watery jelly like fluid all over torso…nice huh.

youre lucky… i have the same and in addition libido loss and worst mental sides ever…

might be i would have never go bald but after i stopped propecia no further hair loss too. very strange

Very little hair loss for me this time as well. Past times when I quit I started shedding pretty quick

I have had some additional body hair grow. I didn’t realize how hairless I was until it started growing again, lol. Not much, but more then when I was on fin

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maybe thats the only „benefit“ of pfs: we will never go bald lol

Pretty much, lol

a doctor told me that fin act on the adrenals like prednisone does, so it sahould be reduced slowly. i did not know it and i heard that idiot of my old dermatologist, and my face got lipoatrophy right after.

The problem is fin is extremely binary… i.e. it’s either totally working or totally not, so it’s very very difficult to actually reduce it’s affects slowly. You can take less, but even at tiny doses it’s basically doing the same thing as a higher dose… until it’s not, at which point taking none would be the same thing as taking a tiny amount

It sucks… if there was a way to ween off of it I’d almost go back on it just to try that, but I’m not sure there is so I haven’t wanted to risk it

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does everyone crash? i dont remember crashing from dutasteride. i just remember brain fog getting heavier, sleep getting worse, one day i had a panick attack. then one day i have no emotions. all happened spread out. i quit dutasteride and my sexual symptoms recovered in a month, but mental did not.

This poll might be interesting to you, @lakehouse :

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