Hi all.
I’m 31 years old. I’ve taken galenic fin (1mg D) from 21 to 26. NO problems during the “poisoning”.
At 26, I quitted fin “Cold Turkey”, but after one month I begun to see my urinary flow decrease, and I was going to piss more often (about 5 times in a day). The problem getted worse for about 1 year and after that It had been stebilized. I pee every 3-4 hours and I have a very low flow (10 ml/s peek), also low “power” of ejaculation.
I have some pain in the ass and sometimes testicular.
The problem was diagnosed as cronic non bacterial prostatisis (CPPS) and I was threated with antibiotics with no success.
I’ve done tons of exams, but all seems OK.
All doctors say that there is no evidence that fin could be the cause, someone says that maybe I had a prostatisis masked by Fin.
In these years I’ve tried all the imaginable… from naturopathy, omeopathy, acupuncture, drastc diets, benzodiazepines… all useless…
Prostate dimensions are ok, but there is inflammation in the area. I can see my faeces has mucus in it…
The doctors have found trigger points inside my ass, probably caused by these years of pain and says that pudendal nerve is involved in that.
I have sovrapubic pain, that is probably caused by bladder that has to push very hard to put out urine.
Urodinamic invasive exam says that there is no problem at the bladder, but there is an uretral spasm that bloks urine flow. I’ve taken benzodiazepines to mitigate that problem, but it hasn’t worked.
This uretral spasm, makes urine go inside prostate making prostate inflammation. It’s a vicious circle…
After 5 years, now, I can say that things are getting slightly better (about 5%) but VERY SLOWLY.
One thing i’ve noticed, diffent to what I was expexcting, is that I NEVER had erection and premature ejaculation problems. Only thing changed are Morning wood. I had no Morning wood for about 3-4 years after quitting fin, but now things are going better (I have 70-80% erection all mornings).
I’m asking you if there is anyone with my symptoms and if there is any chance to return to a normal life after many yeras out of fin.
Thank you all.