Quitted Fin 5 Years ago. Any hope to improve life quality with time?

Hi all.
I’m 31 years old. I’ve taken galenic fin (1mg D) from 21 to 26. NO problems during the “poisoning”.
At 26, I quitted fin “Cold Turkey”, but after one month I begun to see my urinary flow decrease, and I was going to piss more often (about 5 times in a day). The problem getted worse for about 1 year and after that It had been stebilized. I pee every 3-4 hours and I have a very low flow (10 ml/s peek), also low “power” of ejaculation.
I have some pain in the ass and sometimes testicular.

The problem was diagnosed as cronic non bacterial prostatisis (CPPS) and I was threated with antibiotics with no success.
I’ve done tons of exams, but all seems OK.

All doctors say that there is no evidence that fin could be the cause, someone says that maybe I had a prostatisis masked by Fin.

In these years I’ve tried all the imaginable… from naturopathy, omeopathy, acupuncture, drastc diets, benzodiazepines… all useless…

Prostate dimensions are ok, but there is inflammation in the area. I can see my faeces has mucus in it…
The doctors have found trigger points inside my ass, probably caused by these years of pain and says that pudendal nerve is involved in that.
I have sovrapubic pain, that is probably caused by bladder that has to push very hard to put out urine.
Urodinamic invasive exam says that there is no problem at the bladder, but there is an uretral spasm that bloks urine flow. I’ve taken benzodiazepines to mitigate that problem, but it hasn’t worked.
This uretral spasm, makes urine go inside prostate making prostate inflammation. It’s a vicious circle…

After 5 years, now, I can say that things are getting slightly better (about 5%) but VERY SLOWLY.

One thing i’ve noticed, diffent to what I was expexcting, is that I NEVER had erection and premature ejaculation problems. Only thing changed are Morning wood. I had no Morning wood for about 3-4 years after quitting fin, but now things are going better (I have 70-80% erection all mornings).

I’m asking you if there is anyone with my symptoms and if there is any chance to return to a normal life after many yeras out of fin.

Thank you all.

please post ur blood test if you have any.


Sorry but I’ve done no blood tests.

Unbelievable. This is exactly what I’m going through right now. I can’t imagine having this for 5 years with little improvement!

Did you ever go on Flomax or similar drugs to increase your urine flow? Are you able to empty your bladder completely when you pee? I’ve been having tremendous problems urinating since about 6 weeks off fin that have continued to worsen. I am struggling and straining, I cannot empty my bladder, and I think I may be making a visit to the emergency room soon. I cannot fathom a worse side effect than this, but then again this drug continues to surprise me every week!!!

Have you ever considered something like TURP surgery to remove part of the prostate and increase urine flow?


that’s exactly why when a new guy joins this forum, I make of point of making them feel welcome and encorage them to be agressive with trying to find a very good doctor to help them.

The reality is if we all sit around waiting for someone to figure out what’s wrong with us, it could take ten years or more. The more guys we have seeking out doctors to help them, the more aware the medical community will become aware of just how wide spread this problem is. I knew this drug was big in US and Canada, but seeing men from Africa, spain, the Middle East, etc suffering from this drug is shocking to me. This is really a world wide problem.

We need to stick together and get the website lurkers to admit the damage this drug has done to them. It will eventually help all of us.

Mucus in the faeces is an interesting symptom, what do the doctors say about this?


Yes, but if i wait too much, the “thing” is more difficult.

Yes, but many doctors says that TURP doesn’t solve the problem at all and it can also cause ejaculation problems, so I don’t know what to do.
And, as I’ve written, urodinamic invasive exam says that there is no problem at the bladder, but there is an uretral spasm that bloks urine flow, so the problem seems not “prostate involved”.

For this problem I’ve done a colonoscopy, including biopsy, but also here seems that nothing is wrong (and no Crohn’s disease).
Doctor says that this problem could be caused by “irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)” and psychosomatic factors (also if benzodiazepines doesn’t work…).

have u tried ball zinger or similar device from drerector.com ?

No, but how can this help my urinary flow? Thanking god I have no ed or sex problems, I have “only” to pass 1/4 of my life searching toilets.

intersesting responding back after 3 months lol.

anyway you have (interstitial cystitis). If your symptoms worsen after eating banana, Vinegar ,alcohol, peas or dry fruits etc then undoubtedly you have got IC. Intitially your bladder gets inflammed and then your prostate gets inflammed too.I have had this problem for 18 yrears and it has nothing to do with Fin. Just forget it, it has absolutely nothing to do with fin. Indeed for this reason I tried SawPalmetto and got into other bigger mess. During IC my sex was perfect. No problem at all. Only prblem was painful ejculation, and frequent visits to the bathroom during nights.


Just control your food. It is highly food dependent. Pay attention what you eat and then avoid it. there is a list of food at all4naturalhealth.com/interstitial-cystitis-diet.html

There is also a good homeo medicine without any sides. It is berberis vulgaris. I have used it and it is very good. I don’t remember dosage and strenth. you can ask any homeo or do some research. you can also try flomax, but it has its own set of sides.


Nobody here is qualified to diagnose anyone, any disease or other condition, least of all anonymously over the Internet through text-based symptoms.

You are GUESSING at what he should consider investigating further. Try and ensure your statements reflect that.

You may be right :frowning:
One of the last doctors that followed me, said that probably this could be my problem. Sadly to diagnose this issue he said me that I have to do a “bad” exam with bladder biopsy, but I don’t want to do that because it can worsen the situation!
Maybe this is the reason why NOTHING can improve the situation.

One thing that is very strange is the concomitance of the problem and the quitting from fin (it’s strange that I got CI just after 2 months being out of fin).
Another strange thing is that urodinamic invasive exam says that there is no problem at the bladder, but there is an uretral spasm that bloks urine flow.
If you have IC can the bladder “push” urine in the same way?

I eat no bananas and vinegar. Sometimes I eat peas and about every day dry fruits but it seems that the symptoms remains the same. If I drink alcohol symptoms worsen immediately! They worsen also if I eat zucchini.

I have some question for you (excuse me for that but you are a hope for me to understand something more)
1 - How were you diagnosed about IC?
2 - How old are you?
3 - When you started to have problems and how?
4 - Symptoms get worse in the years or remain the same?
5 - Which exams have you done? Have you done an urodinamic test?
6 - How is your stream? How are flow values?
7 - Why are you here? Only for the SawPalmetto?
8 - How can the bladder inflame prostate?

Sry for my english and thank you very much!

1- It started without any reason. It can happen to anybody any time, many believe it is kind of autoimmune. you should go to IC forum. Google it you can find the forum. I did not visit the forum for a long time.
It strated while I was playing Soccer, I don’t know if it has any connection with sports. I had very weak and thin stream, had to wake up many times during night ( I still do but less) and sit in the wash room for long. Sometimes stream was so thin that it would come in drops with a lot of buring and pain.Doctors thought I had got prostatis. I was done Cystoscopy twice but nothing found.Many times ultra sound of bladder nothing found. many blood tests nothing found many urine test nothing found. Every thing was ok. My sex life was through the roof. My penis was always all the time in semi errected position. slight breeze or just little thought was enough to get me to full errection within 1-2 seconds and then I had to wait for 10 or 20 minutes to get normal again. For this reason I had to wear 2 underwears some times. Anyway after spending years my doctor declared me IC patient. He wanted to give me some tests to confirm IC ( I don’t remember exactly but think it was to fill my bladder with potassium fluid, which in case of IC causes irritation thus confirms IC).I knew this because banana was a big irritatant for me since it is high in potassium.

2- I am 40

3-read #1

4-symtoms remain the same untill I used SP. like I said somewhere , unlike many people here I used SP for my prostate/ urine problem. My symptoms were food dependent. Meat , eggs, walnuts, vinager etc were biggest problem makers for me. I some times use to take sodium bi carbonate (1/2 tbs in a glass of water) to calm down me.

5- already discussed. I spend years in testing but useless.

6-OK. Now after SP use my stream is very wide and easy to flow. On a scale of 1-10, I would say 10 where as before it was only 1-2 on the same scale. Because our prostate has shrunken, it is not causing any obstruction to the urine flow but I am not happy becasue SP has destroyed my Sex and my health. My healthy heavy very big penis has become a small peice of meat. My muscular body has ruined.

7-Why I am here? Just like any body who is suffering from 5AR inhibitors and trying to find solution.

8-If you look at diagram of prostate and bladder you will see prostate happens to be sitting right at the neck of the bladder.So any inflammation there affects the whole region.

Hope it helps you , any question, don’t hesitate I am here to answer.


Thank you very much!
Reading your post I can say that we are in the same boat!
I hope to remain in contact with you because IC in men is a very rare condition (what a luck!:frowning: ).
One another thing I’ve forgot to mention is that sometimes I have very transparent urines. In these cases the urgency and the bladder pain is very high.

One another problem are underpants. I feel always oppressed at bladder level. Also pants have to be large. So if I use a belt or underpants with big elastic the symptoms improve exponentially. Is it the same for you?

After reading your post I’ve made some reflections and it reminded me af the words of one of the many doctors that visited me: “The prostatitis (IC now I say) may have been masked by the use of fin”. Is that a stupid thought?

So you are using SP also if you have sides? Have you tryied serenoa repens? The doctors prescribed me serenoa repens and quercetin for 4 months, but i had no flow improvement.
Maybe saw palmetto works in a different way.
Is there any other IC patient that you know that uses SP?

Oh for God sake Never ever use SP. I am not using it. I quit it on Feb,2008 but sides are still haunting me. I wish I could hang herbalists\manufacturers of this poison. SP or serenoa repens is the same shit. Don’t ever touch it or you will be doomed for the rest of your life.

My brotherly sincerely advice if it is not causing big trouble or health issue stop chasing it. Just accept it I wish I had listened this advice from my Doctor. If it is causing some bigger issue or you have to take medicines, come here and ask about the med. Just don’t believe your doctors or farmacuticals. After Fin you should not have eaten SP.
