Quit Gluten and Sugar and eat more protein to avoid brain fog.

Hi guys, it has been quite a while i don’t come to this forum. I am slowly learning how to feel better despite all the changes since Fin.
I ve come to the conclusion something has changed in the way my body reacts to an “agression” (inflammatory response), since Finasteride. Any time i get a scracth or a small wound it gets inflammed (all red and swollen) in a way it never did before Fin.
It caught my attention when i read on a magazine that gluten and sugar cause small inflammatory reaction on most people, but we never realize it, since it is a SMALL reaction on most people. Well… i decided to try a gluten free diet and a sugar free diet (my only exception is chocolate, lol). In my case, this diet has worked very well, my brain fog is GONE. It is amazing, but not too hard to understand, i believe the brain fog we have is a circulation problem… it is basically less blood in the brain for some time, probably caused by an inflammatory response. It is all related: inflammation, circulation, DHT, blood pressure… it is all linked. I believe Dht acts as a magnet bringing blood to the extremeties of the body, specially during digestion and sex.

Why eat more protein.
This has worked for me as well. Somehow i have more energy when i eat protein. It didn t matter before Fin, but now it seems protein turns on my metabolism. And carbs SHUT IT DOWN, instead of only slowing it. As i have always been a night person (faster metabolism by night), i try to eat less carbs untill about 5 pm, and after that i eat fruits, potatoes, rice, and fruits (remember, no bread, pasta, no gluten). I hope i have helped. If you’re still suffering from braing fog, try this diet.